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Eran Dayan, PhD, Awarded Grant for Work with Parkinson’s Disease

May 30, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Eran Dayan on receiving an RO2 grant from (NICHD) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. They are providing funding ($404,276) for his project “Targeted Motor Learning to Improve Gait for Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.”  Over the 2-year lifespan (05/01/2023 – 04/30/2025) of...

Dr. Hong Yuan awarded S10 Grant

May 18, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Hong Yuan, Director of the BRIC Small Animal Imaging facility, on her awarded S10 Grant for her project entitled, “Preclinical Vevo-F2 ultrasound imaging system for Small Animal Imaging core facility.” This $490K grant funds the installation of a preclinical ultrasound imaging system in BRIC’s Small Animal Imaging...

Autism Research Center Awards $25K Pilot Grants to Three Interdisciplinary Research Projects

April 8, 2023
The Autism Research Center awarded three $25,000 pilot grants to several UNC School of Medicine faculty members on three interdisciplinary research projects, including one titled Developing brain-wide CSF flow imaging for infants at likelihood for autism, to BRIC faculty member and director of the Small Animal MRI facility Dr. Ian...

UNC School of Medicine NIH Funding Ranks 6th among Public Universities

February 28, 2023
The UNC School of Medicine ranked 19th in the country in total National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for federal fiscal year 2022 and 6th among peer public universities, according to a new report published by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research. The total dollar amount is $358,658,406, about $11 million more...

Dr. Zibo Li awarded three new projects

August 3, 2022
Funded by AccuNovo Biotechnologies Inc. and the NIH: STTR: Theranostic NTSR1-targeting Agents for Complementary Management of PSMA-negative Prostate Cancer The UNC team will work with Accunovo Biotech, Inc. to evaluate the newly developed agents in NTSR1 positive PC3 animal models. Specifically, UNC will perform 64Cu radiolabeling of NTSR1 targeted compounds...

Dr. Sarah Nyante awarded two recent grants

August 3, 2022
Dr. Sarah Nyante was awarded two recent grants, both funded by the NIH/National Cancer Institute. R21CA270625 titled: Breast cancer neoadjuvant endocrine therapy during the Covid-19 pandemic: Opportunity for a new treatment paradigm? R03CA267469 titled: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on newly diagnosed breast cancer   More Grants at BRIC:

Dr. Mingxia Liu awarded R01

August 3, 2022
Dr. Mingxia Liu was recently awarded an RO1 funded by the NIH titled: Multi-Site Neuroimage Harmonization for Personalized Brain Disorder Analysis This project is dedicated to creating a series of unique computational tools for multi-site neuroimage harmonization and personalized analysis of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive decline.  ...

Dr. Louise Henderson – Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C)

August 3, 2022
Louise Henderson Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) Title:     Southeastern Consortium for Lung Cancer Health Equity Site:       Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical University of South Carolina and UNC Goal:     To build on the long-standing community outreach and engagement efforts to develop  culturally-sensitive, community-informed interventions aimed at reducing lung cancer disparities and increasing...

New S10 Awarded to Dr. Ian Shih

October 23, 2020
Congratualations to Dr. Ian Shih and then entire BRIC Center for Animal MRI team on the recently awarded S10 grant to upgrade the advance neo system on the Bruker 9.4T! Avance neo upgrade for the biospec 9.4T/30CM MRI system at UNC (NIH S10 MH124745, PI: Shih) Animal magnetic resonance imaging...

Dr. Oldenburg Awarded grant for 3D Scanning Endoscope Development

September 4, 2020
Dr. Amy Oldenburg, Professor in the UNC Physics & Astronomy Department and BRIC faculty member, was awarded a new grant for the development of a rapid, 3D laser scanning endoscope to study the upper airways of infants and children with subglottic stenosis (SGS), a life-threatening condition. The microscopic resolution afforded...