Career Development Resources
Training Initiatives in Biomedical & Biological Sciences (TIBBS)
BBSP students are automatically added to the TIBBS listserv. TIBBS is an excellent resource for all things job and career related including seminars, workshops, and internships.
University Career Services
University Career Services runs a career development service for graduate students including help with CVs/resumes, networking and interviewing, in addition to other services.
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
My IDP has resources that match your skills and interests with 20 different science career paths and helps keep track of strategic goals and timelines.
Enhancing Local Industry Transitions through Exploration (ELITE)
ELITE Consortium is a consortium including Duke, UNC, and NIEHS that helps arrange talks and site visits for those interested in Industry positions. They also organize brown bag lunches to hear about non-academic science related career options.
NIH Jobs Board
Not just NIH and FDA jobs, but also private companies and universities and NIH’s career development services. Header links for other career development opportunities and advice like this: