Departmental Address
Physical Address-Administrative Office:
5200 Medical Biomolecular Research Building
111 Mason Farm Road
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7545
US Postal Service Mailing Address:
Department of Cell Biology and Physiology
Campus Box 7545
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7545
Directions to the Department
Directions from the North
- Take NC 86 South (which becomes Airport Road) to downtown Chapel Hill
- Turn right onto Cameron Avenue (2nd light after Franklin Street) then make an immediate left onto Pittsboro Street.
- Bear left when the road splits. Go straight across South Columbia Street and you will be on Manning Drive near UNC Hospitals.
- See below for parking information and directions from Manning Drive to our offices.
Directions from the South
- Take US 15-501 North to Chapel Hill. US 15-501 becomes South Columbia Street at the NC 54 intersection.
- From South Columbia Street, turn right on Manning Drive
- See below for parking information and directions from Manning Drive to our offices.
Directions from the East
- Take 1-40 West to exit #273B
- Take NC 54 West to Chapel Hill
- Take US 15-501 South to Manning Drive
- Turn right onto Manning Drive
- See below for parking information and directions from Manning Drive to our offices.
Directions from the West
- Take NC 54 East to Chapel Hill
- Exit at Columbia Street/US 15-501 and turn left onto South Columbia Street
- From South Columbia Street, turn right on Manning Drive
- See below for parking information and directions from Manning Drive to our offices.
Parking Information – Directions to MBRB
Visitor parking is available in the Dogwood deck on Manning Drive. The Dogwood deck is three-tenths of a mile past South Columbia Street on the right. Its entrance is on East Drive.
From the parking deck, walk up Manning Drive toward the stoplight at Columbia. UNC Hospitals will be across the street.
Take the steps on the left side of Thurston-Bowles. The Thurston-Bowles building is on the corner of Columbia Street and Manning Drive, on the same side as the parking decks. Both the Neuroscience Research Building and the Medical Biomolecular Research Building (MBRB) are located behind Thurston-Bowles, across the courtyard. Our administrative offices are located on the fifth floor of MBRB, Suite 5200.