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Dr. Adaora Adimora On How HIV Impacts Women and Minorities

April 7, 2022
For National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, AIDSVu spoke with Dr. Adaora Adimora about increasing the rate of PrEP use among women and minorities impacted by HIV. Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH, is a Professor of Epidemiology at the UNC School of Medicine and Co-Director of the Center for AIDS...

Chi Named Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vice Chair for Research and Innovation

March 11, 2022
This story was originally published March 8, 2022 here. Benjamin Chi, MD, is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been named Vice Chair for Research and Innovation in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. For...

Margolis Elected Fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science

January 28, 2022
“David Margolis, MD, Sarah Graham Keenan Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology, Epidemiology, has been elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The prestigious honor recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of virology, particularly for making key discoveries on the mechanisms of HIV latency and devising...

CFAR Developmental Awardee Recognized by American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

December 17, 2021
The American Academy of Neurology recently awarded neurologist Monica M. Diaz, MD, MS, a Clinical Research Training Scholarship in support of her research on the detection of neurodegeneration in older, cognitively-impaired people with HIV.   Click here to read the full article on UNC School of Medicine’s website.

Inter-CFAR Transgender Health Scientific Working Group

December 9, 2021
Writer: Alicia Diggs The first inaugural Inter CFAR Transgender Health Scientific Working Group took place October 21, 2021. The working group uses a shared leadership model to work together across CFARs. The leadership team consists of Tonia Poteat (UNC), Will Beckham (Hopkins), Laramie Smith (UCSD), Andrea Wirtz (Hopkins). The team...

Dr. Ada Adimora named 2021 Summit Honoree

November 12, 2021
On November 10th, Dr. Ada Adimora was named the honoree at the 2021 “Where She Leads We Will Follow Her: National Women’s Summit on HIV and Health.” We are exceedingly proud of Dr. Adimora for her work, and think she is most deserving of this honor. Follow this link to...

Developmental Core Announces 2 new funding sources

November 10, 2021
In addition to its recent Microgrant, the UNC CFAR Developmental Core has released its 2022-2023 RFP and a CFAR Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Request for Proposals of HIV/COVID-19 Small Grants. Letters of intent for these proposals are due no later than Wednesday, December 1, 2021.  All current Developmental Core...

Alicia Diggs named one of Plus+ Magazine’s 25 Amazing People of the Year (who are also living with HIV)

October 19, 2021
Alicia Diggs has been living with HIV for 20 of her 49 years, and she’s made good use of every year. Not only is she an author, a PhD, and a fierce advocate for people living with HIV, she’s also a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, the...

UNC CFAR Announces Microgrant Funding Opportunity

September 24, 2021
Developmental Microgrant RFA The UNC CFAR Developmental Core is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity meant to address emergent research barriers and needs arising in CFAR-funded research conducted by Early Stage Investigators (ESIs), international or NC HBCU ESIs with a strong connection to a UNC CFAR institution, and established...

UNC HIV Cure Center Awarded $26.2 million over the next 5 Years

August 20, 2021
“The National Institutes of Health will award $53 million annually to 10 research organizations over the next five years to continue working toward curative therapies for HIV. The Collaboratory of AIDS Researchers for Eradication (CARE), led at the UNC HIV Cure Center by David Margolis, MD, is one of two...

Study Compares Mortality Among People Entering HIV Care with General US Population

July 15, 2021
“HIV-related mortality has decreased since 1996 due to improving treatments and evolving care guidelines, but the extent to which persons entering HIV care have a higher risk for death over the following years, compared with peers in the general population, has been unclear. Joseph Eron, MD, the Herman and Louise...

Browne Lab Earns NIH Grant to Study Cannabis Effects on HIV Reservoir

July 12, 2021
“Ed Browne, PhD, assistant professor of medicine, is the principal investigator of a $4-million, 5-year study of the role of cannabis use in HIV latency – one of the main barriers toward curing people with the infection. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the NIH, is funding the...