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Core Facilities Advocacy Committee (CFAC) 2024 SOM Core Voucher Program


Important Documents

Core Voucher Program Attestation form  (must be submitted for each core within the proposal)

RFA SOM Core Voucher Program – FY25 FINAL

CFAC Voucher Program Template – FY25 Final

CFAC Core Voucher Program Eligible Cores FY25

To request review of a core facility not listed here, please e-mail For inclusion a core must either be administered by a SOM center or department OR must serve a majority SOM customer base.


General Information

The Core Facility Advocacy Committee (CFAC) in the Office of Research Technologies, UNC School of Medicine (SOM), announces a pilot program to support research projects  that directly utilize UNC SOM or SOM-serving biomedical research cores. Please refer to the list of the cores found in the RFA announcement above.

Core vouchers worth up to $10,000 will be awarded to investigators with qualified projects to be used exclusively for core services.

The CFAC Core Voucher Program will open for submissions August 20, 2024 and close September 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm. 


Project Requirements

To be eligible for funding, proposed projects must be for new method development or generation of pilot data for a project not currently funded AND must satisfy at least one of the following criteria:


• Pipeline project that utilizes more than one core

• Applicant is a new core customer of at least one of the cores the proposal utilizes

• Applicant is using a technology or service within a core that they have not used before, even if they have previously worked with the core


Additionally, projects should spend out their award by June 30, 2025. Feasibility to meet this timeline will a factor in award decisions.


Applicants can be from any department or school at UNC Chapel Hill but must utilize at least one SOM core which invoices for services. Applicants must discuss their proposed project with the collaborating core directors prior to submission and include a Core Director Attestation form (linked at the top of the page) with the proposal submission with signatures of both the core directors and the applicants. Core directors have the right to not sign proposals presented without adequate time to meet and evaluate the project.

Awards will be paid directly to the core facility upon receipt of an invoice from the core for completed work or an award will be set up in iLab, depending on how the cores bill.




Click to submit an Application


If you have questions about eligibility or the application process please reach out to the Office of Research Technologies at


Voucher award decisions will be announced mid-November. Thank you for your patience!