Dr. Smith is board certified in both Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medical Services and his primary areas of interest include air-medical transport, prehospital trauma care, critical care transport, and disaster preparedness and response. He serves as the medical director for Carolina Air Care, UNC's air and ground critical care transport program and Air Life NC, a community-based helicopter transport program located in Lumberton, NC. He is also the medical director of Emergency Management at UNC Hospitals and is the medical advisor for the mid-Carolina Healthcare Preparedness Coalition.
Emergency Medical Services
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
Emergency Medicine
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Medical School:
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Professional Societies & Memberships
- Air Medical Physician Association
- National Association of EMS Physicians
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- North Carolina Association of Rescue and EMS