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What is the Academy of Educators?

The Academy of Educators (AOE), at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, was founded in October 2006 as a part of the School’s strategic plan to enhance research and scholarship towards excellence in teaching. Currently, the Academy has four committees, Scholarship, Programming, Awards, and Membership. The AOE is overseen by a President, with support from a Leadership Council, and a Coordinator from the Office of Faculty Affairs & Leadership Development.

The Mission of the Academy is

  1. to promote and support excellence in teaching and the work and career paths of excellent teachers;
  2. to promote and fund curricular innovation, evidence-based curricular change and a scholarly approach to the education mission; and
  3. to provide a forum for education leadership and advice for the Dean, Vice Dean of Education, and Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development (FALD).

Recently, there have been a number of voted on and approved changes to our by-laws, which can be found below.

Who should participate?

Founded on enhancing research and scholarship toward excellence in teaching, we seek faculty, directors, and trainees, from main campus and regional North Carolina campuses, who are committed to medical and biomedical education. To accomplish these goals, we strive for the creation and design of new curricular materials and scholarly research (within medical and biomedical education) and the willingness to implement new methodology and technology.

Acceptance to the Academy brings expectations of continued leadership in educational initiatives, and active participation in the goals of the Academy (minimum of four events for all types of membership). Should a member be unable to meet these requirements, their membership will be considered suspended until the member is able to complete the required number of events per year (June 1 – May 31). Additional requirements for membership will be determined by the council and voted on by membership. Learn more about AOE membership.

Program Overview

Current Academy of Educators program offerings strategically align to the three mission components:

  1. to promote and support excellence in teaching and the work and career paths of excellent medical and biomedical teachers
  2. to promote and fund curricular innovation, evidence-based curricular change and a scholarly approach to the education mission
  3. to provide a forum for education leadership and advice for the Dean, Vice Dean for Medical Education and the leadership of the curriculum

More information is available on the AOE website.


Read more about the Leadership Council

Important Dates

Interested in the program?

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