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The Leadership in Academic Medicine Program (LAMP) has been designed to assist junior faculty at UNC within their first 3 years to build a sense of community, purpose, direction, and confidence so they may thrive in their career. LAMP will address the fundamentals of career planning and professional development while creating networking that will contribute to faculty success.

Application Details

Applications are due June 9. Please contact Dawn Morriston for additional information about this exciting new program.

LAMP 2024 Application

Important Dates

May & June 2024

Application & Review process
Complete the application form in collaboration with your Department Chair and send it with your CV to Dawn Morriston no later than June 9.

July 2024

Notification & Logistics
Selected faculty will be notified of acceptance and calendars blocked for dates below.

August 2024

Kick-off Event

September 12, 2024

Session 1: Launch into LAMP
Career planning, team building, and overview of the entire LAMP program. Each week will start with an optional casual networking lunch; feature a dynamic speaker with interactive components; and end with a small group discussion with a senior faculty mentor.

Agenda (for all sessions):

12:30 Lunch

1:00-3:30 Content Delivery (break at 2:15)

3:40-4:40 Mentor Meetings

October 10, 2024

Session 2: Turning Your Passion into Celebrated Work
How to create academic efficiency & shape your professional identity. Navigating APT, CV development, and personal statements.

November 14, 2024

Session 3: Money Matters: Navigating the UNC Financial Landscape
Basics of academic medicine budgeting and how organizational financial decisions impact your work.

December 12, 2024

Session 4: Communicate Like a Leader
Effective communication 1:1 and in meetings, in virtual spaces, and presentation skills.

January 9, 2025

Session 5: Giving Effective Feedback 
Where psychological safety meets intellectual honesty.

February 13, 2025

Session 6: Managing Time & Change
Prioritization, project management, and catalyzing change.

March 13, 2025

Session 7: Negotiation & Influence 
Using your influence to create wins.

April 10, 2025

Session 8: Your Network is your Net Worth
Building a professional network and engaging mentors.

May 8, 2025

Session 9: Life after LAMP
Leading with gratitude and maintaining well-being on the path forward.
Graduation & Celebration


Community, purpose, direction, confidence.