Tyron Edwards, or T.Y., as he is known, entered the Wellness @ Work Tobacco Free Employee Program soon after it begin in fall 2011. He smoked between 1–2 packs of cigarettes per day, and had been smoking since he was 16 years old. He reported being “just tired of smoking.” Even with his readiness, he said that it was hard to do and he needed to put in the effort so he wouldn’t backslide.
T.Y. was drawn to the program by the financial incentive of $100 if he remained tobacco free for six months. He bought his own patches, and believes that spending his own money for those also increased his incentive to quit. He credits the Wellness at Work program for diagnosing him correctly and for prescribing the correct medication. He also said the support he received from his family and friends was a big help.

Tyron Edwards, or T.Y., as he is known, entered the Wellness @ Work Tobacco Free Employee Program soon after it begin in fall 2011. He smoked between 1–2 packs of cigarettes per day, and had been smoking since he was 16 years old. He reported being “just tired of smoking.” Even with his readiness, he said that it was hard to do and he needed to put in the effort so he wouldn’t backslide.
T.Y. was drawn to the program by the financial incentive of $100 if he remained tobacco free for six months. He bought his own patches, and believes that spending his own money for those also increased his incentive to quit. He credits the Wellness at Work program for diagnosing him correctly and for prescribing the correct medication. He also said the support he received from his family and friends was a big help.
Wellness @ Work offers Tobacco Cessation Programs for Town of Chapel Hill Employees. When you come into the program, your patches, gum, and lozenges are available at no cost (but of course you can buy them if, like T.Y., it helps you feel more committed to becoming tobacco free). Either way, you’ll be investing in your health, your future, and the freedom that comes from no longer being dependent on tobacco.
If you (or a family member covered by your State Health Plan) are interested in the Tobacco Free Tar Heels program, contact Barbara Silver at (919) 445-5358 or tobaccofreetarheels@unc.edu.