The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Department of Family Medicine is pleased to announce that Kimberly Shoenbill, MD, PhD, has been selected as the new Director of the UNC Tobacco Treatment and Weight Management Programs (TTP/WMP). Formerly the Associate Director of Research and Quality for TTP/WMP, Shoenbill is dually board certified in Family Medicine and Clinical Informatics. After earning her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, she obtained her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Program in Clinical Investigation, before completing a National Library of Medicine postdoctoral fellowship through the Computation in Biology and Medicine Program.
For UNC’s Tobacco Treatment and Weight Management Programs, Shoenbill hopes to advance patient care with improved methods to optimize reach and effectiveness in the prevention and treatment for the two most deadly, and mostly preventable, chronic diseases.
“I am thrilled to be chosen to help lead these talented teams at UNC with their long histories of providing excellent, evidence-based care, performing NIH funded research, leading a national tobacco treatment training program, and providing fully interdisciplinary training,” Shoenbill said.
“I know that under Dr. Shoenbill’s leadership and innovation, UNC TTP/WMP will continue to provide excellence in tobacco cessation and weight management at UNC and nationally,” said Adam Goldstein, MD, MPH, director of UNC’s Tobacco Intervention Programs.
The UNC Tobacco Treatment Program serves over 5000 patients annually through tobacco cessation counseling and medication treatment provided at the Department of Family Medicine, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, the UNC Health Care System’s (UNCHCS) hospitals in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, and the Town of Chapel Hill’s Worksite Wellness programs. The Weight Management Program provides weight management counseling to over 1500 patients annually at the Department of Family Medicine, in conjunction with the UNC Multidisciplinary Weight Management Program, making it one of the largest such programs in primary care in the U.S.
For information about UNC’s Tobacco Intervention Programs, visit: For information about UNC’s Weight Management program in Family Medicine, visit: