Research Interests
Keywords: Ontologies, Data Harmonization, Cross-species comparison, Disease
The Translational and Integrative Sciences Laboratory (TISLab; and the Monarch Initiative ( aim to leverage the wealth of data from research and health records to support disease diagnosis, treatment discovery, and the advancement of precision medicine. Dr. Sabrina Toro is the lead curator at both the TISLab and the Monarch Initiative. Her primary focus is on the development and application of standard and semantic technologies, including ontologies, to facilitate data integration, comparison, and interoperability. Among these ontologies, Dr. Toro leads the development and maintenance of the Mondo disease ontology and the Vertebrate Breed Ontology (VBO), which are used as standards for diseases and breed names, respectively. Dr. Toro also prioritizes sharing her knowledge and expertise in biocuration and ontology development; she actively participates in the creation of open learning tools and training materials, such as the OBO Academy (