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Thank you for your interest in supporting the Department of Genetics. In recent years, our department has seen its share of financial challenges – such as state budget cuts that have made it increasingly more difficult to meet the demands of our department. Despite these challenges, we are working hard to maintain and improve our programs. We need additional support for our seminar programs, scientific research forums, and networking events for our student and postdoctoral trainees. We also need support to fund our student and postdoctoral stipends and named endowed professorships, to help us spread our grant research dollars farther and to maintain our outstanding educational and research programs.

Your gifts are tax deductible, and importantly, highly appreciated — thank you for your generosity!

There are a number of ways individuals or organizations may give to the Department.

ONLINE – UNC’s online giving portal is a secure and convenient way to donate to our general fund and provide gifts that make a real impact on our program. Click on the link below to make a gift now.


If you would like to make a contribution by CHECK or IN PERSON and or are interested in donating to a specific funding category such as providing a named student or postdoctoral fellow stipend, a named professorship, or to exclusively supporting a specific program or event, please contact our Director of Research Administration and Finance.


Christopher W. Gregory, Ph.D.
Director of Research
Associate Professor
Department of Genetics
The University of North Carolina School of Medicine
5013 Genetic Medicine Bldg., Campus Box 7264
120 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill NC 27599-7264
Tel: 919-843-6367 (O), 919-448-1257 (M)