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PROMISE Study LogoThe PROMISE Study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • The PROMISE Study is a multi-site collaboration between UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University. PROMISE seeks to address the widespread under-representation (UR) in the biomedical (behavioral and biomedical health related) research workforce, including underrepresentation of several racial/ethnic groups.  Many reasons for this underrepresentation exist including limited access to effective mentoring.  We are currently seeking both peer group members and facilitators at both universities.


  • As peer members: Racially underrepresented PhD, MD, DO, or MD/PhD postdoctoral fellows and assistant professors who identify as racially or ethnically underrepresented and are engaged in biomedical research (research on the biological or behavioral processes that advance the diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of disease).


  • As facilitators:  We are also seeking racially or ethnically underrepresented associate and full professors to serve as facilitators for the peer groups. Facilitators should have both experience mentoring junior faculty or postdocs, as well as a history of funded biomedical research. Training in facilitating the curriculum and administrative support (e.g., all logistics and materials) will be provided to facilitators as well as monetary compensation