Grant Proposals: External Review
If you are a Department of Allied Health Sciences (DAHS) investigator seeking a large grant (with an award amount of at least $100,000), the Office of Research and Scholarship encourages you to use this opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of your proposal. An external grant review can provide you with the opportunity to receive feedback on grant applications from an expert in your topic area prior to submitting it to a funder.
As an investigator, and the person most familiar with your topic, you are responsible for suggesting an expert reviewer who would be best suited to review your proposal. Choose an expert reviewer who has published extensively in your topic area, has received prior grant funding in that area and/or who has served on review panels similar to those which will be reviewing your application for funding.
For providing an expert review, the OORS will compensate the reviewer $500 — IF the investigator and reviewer work together to adhere to the following procedure:
Pre-Review Process
- Fill out Grant Pre-Submission System (GPS)
- Send expert the UNC Independent Contractor forms
- Send review form to expert reviewer
Post-Review Process
- Submit completed review forms
- Submit invoice
For more information, contact Patty Kinneer, Office of Research & Scholarship Coordinator