Improving Recovery for Motor Vehicle Collision Survivors
- Feinberg RK, Hu J, Weaver MA, Fillingim RB, Swor RA, Peak DA, Jones JS, Rathlev NK, Lee DC, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, Liberzon I, McLean SA. Stress-Related Psychological Symptoms Contribute to Axial Pain Persistence after Motor Vehicle Collision: Path Analysis Results from A Prospective Longitudinal Study. Pain; 2017 Apr; 158(4): 682-690.
- Beaudoin FL, Gutman R, Merchant RC, Melissa CA, Swor RA, Jones JS, Lee DC, Peak DA, Domeier RM, Rathlev NK, McLean SA. Persistent pain after motor vehicle collision: Comparative effectiveness of opioids versus non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed from the emergency department- A propensity matched analysis. Pain; 2017 Feb; 158(2): 289-295.
- Linnstaedt SD, Walker MG, Riker KD, Nyland JE, Hu JM, Rossi C, Swor RA, Jones JS, Diatchenko L, Bortsov AV, Peak DA, McLean SA. Genetic variant rs3750625 in the 3’UTR of ADRA2A affects stress dependent acute pain severity after trauma and alters a microRNA-34a regulatory site. Pain; 2017 Feb; 158(2): 230-239.
- Meloto CB, Bortsov AV, Bair E, Helgeson ES, Ostrom C, Smith SB, Dubner R, Slade GD, Fillingim RB, Greenspan JD, Ohrbach R, Maixner W, McLean SA, Luda Diatchenko, MD. Modification of COMT-dependent pain sensitivity by psychological stress and sex. Pain; 2016 Apr; 157(4): 858-867.
- Hu J, Bortsov AV, Ballina LE, Orrey DC, Swor RA, Peak D, Jones J, Rathlev N, Lee DC, Domeier R, Hendry P, McLean SA. Chronic widespread pain after motor vehicle collision typically occurs via immediate development and non-recovery: results of an emergency department-based cohort study. Pain; 2016 Feb; 157(2): 438-444.
- Linnstaedt SD, Bortsov AV, Soward AC, Swor R, Peak D, Jones J, Rathlev N, Lee DC, Domeier R, Hendry P, McLean SA. CRHBP polymorphisms predict chronic pain development following motor vehicle collision. Pain; 2015 Oct; 157(1): 273-279.
- Auvergne L, Bortsov AV, Ulirsch JC, Peak DA, Jones JS, Swor RA, Domeier RM, Lee DC, Rathlev NK, Hendry PL, McLean SA. Association of epidemiologic factors and genetic variants influencing HPA axis function with “Post-Concussive Symptoms” after minor motor vehicle collision. Psychosomatic Medicine; 2016 Jan; 78(1): 68-78.
- Linnstaedt SD, Hu J, Bortsov AV, Soward AC, Swor RA, Jones JS, Lee DC, Peak DA, Domeier RM, Rathlev NK, Hendry PL, McLean SA. µ-Opioid Receptor Gene A118G variants and persistent pain symptoms among men and women experiencing motor vehicle collision. Journal of Pain; 2015 Jul; 16(7): 637-644.
- Pereira GF, McLean SA, Tkacik TJ, Swor RA, Jones JS, Lee DC, Peak DA, Domeier RM, Rathlev NK, Hendry PL, Platts-Mills TF. Pain, distress, and anticipated recovery for older versus younger emergency department patients after motor vehicle collision. BMC Emergency Medicine; 2014 Dec; 14(25): 1-10.
- Qadri YJ, Bortsov AV, Orrey DC, Swor RA, Peak DA, Jones JS, Rathlev NK, Lee DC, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, McLean SA. Genetic polymorphisms in the dopamine receptor 2 predict acute pain severity after motor vehicle collision. Clin J Pain; 2015 Sep; 31(9): 768-775.
- Ulirsch JC, Weaver MA, Bortsov A, Soward AC, Swor RA, Peak DA, Jones JS, Rathlev NK, Lee DC, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, McLean SA. No man is an island: living in a disadvantaged neighborhood influences chronic pain development after motor vehicle collision, and this effect is moderated by common genetic variation influencing HPA axis function. Pain; 2014 Oct; 155(10): 2116-2123.
- Lewis GC, Platts-Mills TF, Swor R, Peak D, Jones J, Rathlev N, Lee D, Domeier R, Hendry P, McLean SA. Incidence and predictors of acute psychological distress and dissociation after motor vehicle collision: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Trauma Dissociation; 2014 Jan; 15(5): 527-547.
- Bortsov AV, Platts-Mills TF, Peak DA, Jones JS, Swor RA, Domeier RM, Lee DC, Rathlev NK, Hendry PL, Fillingim RB, McLean SA. Effect of pain location and duration on life function in the year after motor vehicle collision. Pain; 2014 Sep; 155(9): 1836-1845.
- McLean SA, Ulirsch JC, Slade GD, Soward AC, Swor RA, Peak DA, Jones JS, Rathlev NK, Lee DC, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, Bortsov AV, Bair E. Incidence and predictors of neck and widespread pain after motor vehicle collision among US litigants and non-litigants. Pain; 2014 Feb; 155(2): 309-321.
- Bortsov AV, Diatchenko L, McLean SA. Complex multilocus effects of catechol-O-methyltransferase haplotypes predict pain and pain interference 6 weeks after motor vehicle collision. Neuromolecular Medicine; 2014 Mar; 16(1): 83-93.
- Bortsov AV, Smith JE, Diatchenko L, Soward AC, Ulirsch JC, Rossi C, Swor RA, Hauda WE, Peak DA, Jones JS, Holbrook D, Rathlev NK, Foley KA, Lee DC, Collette R, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, McLean SA. Polymorphisms in the glucocorticoid receptor co-chaperone FKBP5 predict persistent musculoskeletal pain after traumatic stress exposure. Pain; 2013 Aug; 154(8): 1419-1426.
- Bortsov AV, Platts-Mills TF, Peak DA, Jones JS, Swor RA, Domeier RM, Lee DC, Rathlev NK, Hendry PL, Fillingim RB, McLean SA. Pain distribution and predictors of widespread pain in the immediate aftermath of motor vehicle collision. Eur J Pain 2013, 17(8): 1243-1251.
- Platts-Mills TF, Hunold K, Ballina L, Bortsov AV, Peak DA, Jones JS, Swor RA, Lee DC, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, Rathlev NK, McLean SA. More Educated Emergency Department Patients are Less Likely to Receive Opioids for Acute Pain. Pain 153(5):941-2, 2012.
- McLean SA. The Potential Contribution of Stress System Responses to the Transition to Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders. Spine 36:S226-32, 2011.
- Platts-Mills TF, Ballina L, Bortsov AV, Soward A, Swor RA, Jones JS, Lee DC, Peak DA, Domeier RM, Rathlev NK, Hendry PL, McLean SA. Using Emergency Department-Based Inception Cohorts to Determine Genetic Characteristics Associated with Long Term Patient Outcomes: Methodology of the CRASH Study. BMC Emergency Medicine 2011.
- Sterling M, McLean SA, Sullivan MJ, Elliott J, Butenhuis J, Kamper SJ. Potential processes involved in the initiation and maintenance of Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD). Spine 36:S322-9, 2011.
- Lee YM, Platts-Mills TF, MacWilliams J, Jones JS, Domeier RM, Swor RA, Sochor MA, Schneider J, McLean SA. Description of Motor Vehicle Collisions by Participants in Emergency Department-Based Studies: Are they Accurate? West J Emerg Med. 2011
- McLean SA, Diatchenko L, Lee YM, Swor RA, Domeier RM, Jones JS, Jones CW, Reed C, Harris RE, Maixner W, Clauw DJ, Liberzon I. Catechol O-methyltransferase haplotype predicts immediate musculoskeletal neck pain and psychological symptoms after minor motor vehicle collision. Journal of Pain 12(1):101-7, 2011.
- Lee DC, McLean S, Barton E, Hahn SJ. Variations in local institutional Review Boards (IRB) responses to a standard, multi-center, emergency department-based genetic research project. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2010:17(5):S(1)S140-141.
- Beaudoin FL, Gutman R, Merchant RC, Melissa CA, Swor RA, Jones JS, Lee DC, Peak DA, Domeier RM, Rathlev NK, McLean SA. Persistent pain after motor vehicle collision: Comparative effectiveness of opioids versus non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed from the emergency department- A propensity matched analysis. Pain; 2017 Feb; 158(2): 289-295.