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Improving Recovery for Burn Survivors

The BURN HELP Trial was a pilot multi-site randomized control trial investigating the ability of propranolol to improve recovery in burn patients with specific genotypes. Patients with particular genotypes who were admitted to one of four major burn centers in the Burn TRYUMPH Research Network were enrolled. These sites were located in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC. This project was supported by the UNC CTRC, The Jaycee Burn Center, and the Department of Anesthesiology. Dr. McLean was PI of this study.

The BURN HELP Trial was a pilot multi-site randomized control trial investigating the ability of propranolol to improve recovery in burn patients with specific genotypes. Patients with particular genotypes who were admitted to one of four major burn centers in the Burn TRYUMPH Research Network were enrolled. These sites were located in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC. This project was supported by the UNC CTRC, The Jaycee Burn Center, and the Department of Anesthesiology. Dr. McLean was PI of this study.

Status: closed