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The UNC School of Medicine defines the competencies to be achieved by its medical students through medical education program objectives and has designed and implemented a curriculum that enables students to achieve those competencies and objectives. Medical education program objectives are statements of the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes that students are expected to exhibit as evidence of their achievement by completion of the program. These objectives are defined in outcome-based terms that allow the assessment of medical students’ progress in developing the competencies that the profession and the public expect of a physician. For each competency, a set of milestones defines a student’s expected progress throughout medical school and upon graduation. The SOM makes these medical education program objectives known to all medical students and faculty. In addition, the medical school ensures that the learning objectives for each required learning experience (e.g., course, clerkship) are made known to all medical students and those faculty, residents, and others with teaching and assessment responsibilities in those required experiences.

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of Competencies

Phase Competencies and Enabling Competencies