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Acute liver failure

Alcoholic liver disease

Bariatric surgery

Barrett’s esophagus

Basics of endoscopic ultrasound

Biofeedback therapy for constipation

C. difficile colitis

Celiac disease

Chronic constipation

Clostridium difficile

Combat medicine

Conducting psychotherapy in a GI setting: practicalities of working with psychologists and counselors

Cystic lesions of the pancreas

Drug-induced liver injury

Endoscopic therapy

Esophageal pH/impedance monitoring

Fecal incontinence: epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic assessment and conservative treatment

GI Endoscopy

Helicobacter pylori


Hepatic encephalopathy

Hepatitis B/C coinfection

Hepatitis C: clinical insights

How to Give a Talk

Inflammatory bowel disease pathophysiology for the IBD clinician

Introduction to endoscopy travel cart

Introduction to GI radiology

Learning in the new millenium: online resources for continuing education GI Learn, GI SAM, Gastro Slides, GI WIKI, the DAVE Project

Liver disease in pregnancy

Liver histology/pathology

Neuroendocrine and stromal cell tumors

Non-biologic therapies for inflammatory bowel disease

Non-operative management of anorectal disorders

Nutritional disorders

Olympus in service on endoscope cleaning

Orientation to fellowship program

Pharmacotherapy of IBS

Polyps and polyposis syndromes

Portopulmonary hypertension

Practical aspects of managing complex inflammatory bowel disease

Present and future applications of EUS

Probiotics in digestive health

Psychological therapy for GI disorders

Psychopharmacology for the gastroenterologist

Psychosocial issues in patients with liver disease

Severe ulcerative colitis

Small bowel pathology

Special issues for women with inflammatory bowel disease

Structure of the US Healthcare System

Surgical management of anorectal disease

Surgical management of pancreatic disease

Testing for esophageal reflux

Use of diagnostic tests in inflammatory bowel disease