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Acute esophageal necrosis

Acute interstitial nephritis

Alternative medicines for IBS

Anal stenosis in an elderly patient with constipation

Antidepressants and GI side effects

Anti-TNF rx in IBD: risk of cancer


Bacteria in PSC

Balloon dilation of strictures in Crohn’s disease

Barrett’s esophagus and chemoprevention

Barrett’s surveillance versus ablation

Biliary stent (covered) in bile leaks

Bioethics in medicine

Biologics in perioperative Crohn’s management

Breath test for bacterial overgrowth

C. difficile colitis in health care workers


Colorectal lymphoma

Combination drug therapy for chronic HBV

Crohn’s disease and vulvar lesions

De Novo IBD s/p liver transplant

Depression in Crohn’s disease

Diarrhea in RMSF (20%)

Disorders of defecation

Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome

Diverticular colitis

Effects of IBD drugs on HCV

ERCP in Ehlers-Danlos

ERCP in gallstone pancreatitis

Esophageal reflux tests

Esophageal stents

Esophageal ulcer

Esophageal ulcers (large) ? Idiopathic HIV ulceration

EUS-guided celiac pleuralysis in pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis

EUS-guided ERCP and biliary-pancreatic drainage

Explosive patients – H2, CH4

Extraintestinal manifestation of IBD: pericarditis + 3-fold risk

Fish oil in IBD

Flat adenomas

Flat/depressed colon lesions

GAVE vs portal hypertensive gastropathy

Genetic predispositions to pancreatitis

GERD and pregnancy

Hemachromatosis in black male without known mutation

Hemangioma (large) of the liver

Hepatitis B and TNF inhibitors

Hepatitis delta


High-grade dysplasia in 1 cm tumor resected > metastatic cancer in one year

High ostomy output response to budesonide

Hirschsprung’s disease

Hyperplastic polyposis and serrated adenomas

Hyponatremia and liver organ allocation: effect on MELD

IBD therapy

Imaging for rectal cancer

Indeterminant colitis

Infliximab therapy

Intestinal amyloidosis

Intestinal neuronal dysplasia

Kayexalate colitis

Large cecal adenoma over ileocecal valve

Medical therapy for fistulizing Crohn’s disease

Mesenteric hematoma

Methotrexate in Crohn’s

Mid-level providers in GI

NAFLD – is biopsy worthwhile?


New onset “heartburn” actually angina

Nutrition infusion reactions: immunology and management

Operative risk in liver disease

Oral contraceptives and Crohn’s disease

Oral methotrexate in Crohn’s

Ovarian cancer

Pancreatic cystic lesions

Pancreatic mass (hypervascular) masquerading as tumor

Pancreatic pseudocyst


Paraneoplastic syndromes and GI dysmotility

PEG for palliative decompression and carcinomatosis

PEG/interferon-induced neutropenia

Photodynamic therapy

Pneumatosis intestinalis

Polyposis (prolapse effect)

Post-colonoscopy diarrhea

Post-ERCP and poor prognosis (vanishing ducts)

Post-Nissen dysphagia

Post-OLT pulmonary opacities (Ca++)

Pregnancy in autoimmune hepatitis

Psychopharmacology of functional bowel disease

Pyoderma and infliximab

Recurrence of Crohn’s s/p resection – role of bacteria – probiotics have equivocal effects

Renal failure and cryoglobulinemia

Rendez-vous’ procedure for esophageal stricture

Retained capsules in Crohn’s disease

Risk of cancer in ileoanal pouch: none in pouch, but found in retained rectal mucous

Schatzki’s ring and impaction

Screening and surveillance of HCC

Screening for anal cancer

Semi-acute abdix lupus – pseudoobstruction

Skin lesions (calciphylaxis) in IBD (deep necrotic)

Solitary rectal ulcer and colitis cystica profunda

SSRI’s and GI bleeding

Stem cell transplant in Crohn’s disease

Stricture management for eosinopilic esophagitis: self-expanding stent (not very successful) vs steroid injection

Sugar intolerance

Use of CT scan in the diagnosis of NAFLD

Value of alarm symptoms in the diagnosis of IBS

Vanishing duct syndrome – post OLT cholestasis