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Abdominal epilepsy

Acalculus gallbladder disease

Acute graft versus host disease

Acute HCV

Acute liver failure: new guidelines

Alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency

Alpha food-induced anaphylaxis

Anemia: iron deficiency – ferritin (guidelines for indication of colonoscopy)


Antibody-mediated rejection in liver transplant (usually early)

anti-TNF arthritis: a) failure b) serum sickness c) lupus

anti-TNF skin findings

Balloon tamponade

Bariatric surgery: follow up

Benzocaine as topical anesthetic (efficacy? toxicity?) = lidocaine safer

Cancer risk of CT scan

Cancer risk post-transplant

Capsule endoscopy

Celiac disease

Chiari malformation impairing deglutition

Chlamydia anorectal infection (lymphogranuloma venereum serotype distinct)

Chronic bleeding in Crohn’s with short bowel syndrome

Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea in AIDS (microsporidia)


Coagulation in cirrhosis

Collagenous colitis

Colon cancer screening and ethics in the elderly

Common variable immune deficiency

Constipation: lifestyle change can improve (up fluid intake, exercise more)

Copper in Wilson’s disease

Crohn disease

Crohn’s disease: preventing post-operative recurrence

Deep remission: mucosal healing in IBD

Desmoid tumor of the duodenum

Efficacy of celiac ganglion block or plexus block for pain

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis and scurvy

ERCP –> splenic laceration

Esophageal sarcoid secondary to achalasia

Family history of colon adenomas

Fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis C

Gallbladder polyps

Gastric varices secondary to prophylaxis with tissue glue



GI bleeding in patients left on left ventricular assist device

GI bleeding on Dabigatran

GI involvement in vasculitis

Giant inflammatory fibroid polyp mimicking cancer in UC



Hepatic sarcoidosis

Hepatitis B reactivation and lamivudine as prophylaxis

Hepatocellular cancer

Hepatocellular carcinoma – epidemiology: risk factors and early symptoms

Hydraditis supperativa (anti-TNF Rx)

IBD: Best of DDW

IBD in the presence of skin abscesses

IBD: which anti-TNF treatment to use?

IgA nephropathy and alcoholic liver disease

Incidental duodenal carcinoid

Increased surgical drain output post OLT bile leak

Indications for TIPS versus paracentesis

Late effects post-pyloromyotomy for infantile pyloric stenosis

Levator ani syndrome

Liver sarcoidosis

Lymphocytic esophagitis (dysphagia for solids x 25 yrs > + intraepithelial lymphocytes (peripapillary)

Lynch syndrome and DNA repair protein

Management of large polyps

Matching donor liver to recipient

Metabolite testing

Methotrexate and ulcerative colitis

Minimal hepatic encephalopathy

Narcotic bowel syndrome

Neostigmine & Methylnaltrexone for acute pseudo-obstruction

New onset colitis secondary to a) schistosomes b) pleisiomonas c) IBD

Non-invasive imaging for NAFLD

Non-invasive management of patients with symptomatic gallstone disease

NSAIDs and risk of IBD flares

Pancreatitis: multiple episodes – microlithiasis (helped by cholecystectomy)

Peritonevenous shunts: no advantage in refractory ascites

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

Polyarthritis in IBD secondary to disease or to infliximab itself

Portal clot feasibility of TIPS

Possible hyperplastic polyposis

Post-thoracotomy pain syndrome s/p gastric pull up

Pouchitis and cuffitis

PPIs for refractory heartburn

Provocative test in GI bleed of obscure origin

Pyoderma gangrenosa

Radiation-induced esophageal injury (fistula/perforation secondary to dilation of stricture)

Recurrent pancreatitis secondary to pancreatic divisum

Recurrent ulcer post-tx: marginal ulcer retained in antrum

Refractory eosinophil enteritis

Retroflex in right colon

Sacral nerve stimulation for fecal incontinence

Sclerosing mesenteritis

Short bowel diarrhea

Short bowel syndrome (medications/trophic hormones)

Simultaneous breast and colon cancer

Small bowel diverticula

Stercoral perforation

Survivors of childhood cancer are at increased risk of GI complications later


Thrombocytopenia in chronic liver disease

Tissue sampling for diagnostic cholangiocarcinoma

TPN-dependent short bowel syndrome

Trachael stenosis associated with GERD

Tube feeding in dementia

Ulcerative colitis and Rx in pregnancy

Ulcerative proctitis

Upper GI bleed in hepatitis D virus –> Kayexelate

Vitamin D deficiency in hepatitis C