Raj Kasthuri, MD, MBBS, co-authored a publication in the Annals of Internal Medicine titled Effect of Thromboprophylaxis on Clinical Outcomes After COVID-19 Hospitalization.
Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have an increased incidence of thromboembolism. The role of extended thromboprophylaxis after hospital discharge is unclear. To determine whether anticoagulation is superior to placebo in reducing death and thromboembolic complications among patients discharged after COVID-19 hospitalization, this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (ACTIV-4c) was conducted during 2021 to 2022 among 127 U.S. hospitals. The UNC team was led by Raj Kasthuri and was the highest enrolling site in the study. The incidence of death or thromboembolism was low in this cohort of patients discharged after hospitalization with COVID-19. Because of early enrollment termination, the results were imprecise and the study was inconclusive.
UNC research team: Raj Kasthuri (UNC PI); Stephan Moll, Micah Mooberry, Yasmina Abajas and Robert ‘Andrew’ Campbell (co-investigators); Brett Phillips, Amy Brightwood, Laura Finerty and Katie Stanford (research coordinators).