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Candace Kastner, PA-C, is a physical assistant working with the palliative care program. Before arriving in North Carolina Candace worked in New York City. She enjoys spending time with family, including her two year old daughter and new born son, checking out new restaurants, and working out.

What is your role in the Department and what patients do you serve?

I am an inpatient palliative care physician assistant who works with adults and their support system.

Where are you from?

I am originally from Youngstown, Ohio, but moved down to NC almost 3 years ago after being in New York City for 10 years.

Did you always envision yourself as an APP?

Initially, I was pursuing medical school until I met an incredibly inspiring PA in undergraduate, which shifted my interest to the APP field.

What is the most rewarding part of your work?

There are so many rewarding parts, most importantly, being a supportive and calm presence during a time that feels overwhelming. I enjoy helping patients and families make medical decisions during a vulnerable time by exploring their values and who they are as a person. It’s amazing how much you can learn and better understand those we are taking care of if you take the time to listen!

How has your role evolved over time since you’ve been here?

Our program continues to grow, which is always exciting. We were voted as the “most helpful” consult service through the school of medicine, which speaks volumes to my amazing colleagues.

What is one thing that you wish people knew about your job?

I work with some of the most compassionate, intelligent, and talented people that touch the lives of so many patients and families. Having our support does not mean you are “giving up” and the public understanding of our amazing service will hopefully continue to change so we can benefit more people early in the course of their disease.

Personally or professionally, what are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my beautiful family – my husband, Chris, daughter Cameron (2 y/o) and son Preston (2 months).

If you didn’t have a career in medicine, what would you be doing?

I would be a women’s high school soccer coach or in business.

What hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

Spending time with family and friends, checking out new restaurants, working out.

If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ice cream from my hometown, Handel’s, which has a location in Cary!

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

There are no problems, just solutions.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts!

What do you hope to accomplish in the next year?

I hope to utilize my prior work experience in NYC to get more connected to others in the UNC system to understand how we can elevate and lead APPs. I enjoy leadership, logistics, and connection and hope to be able to do more here!

What’s the last song you listened to?

It was all a dream – Notorious B.I.G