Kristi Kirkland, CPhT, is a North Carolina native who enjoys interacting with patients and collecting data for the UNC Hemophilia Treatment Center. There, she has gained valuable experience navigating the research world. Additionally, Kristi is a proud mom of three and recently became a Mema to her first grandson!
What’s your role and how long have you been a part of our Department?
I am the Data Coordinator for the Hemophilia Treatment Center and have been at UNC for 3 years.
Where are you from?
Born in Durham, NC
What originally attracted you to work at UNC Department of Medicine?
The job posting for the Soc/Clinical Research Associate here at UNC was exactly what I had gone to school for. It was everything that I enjoyed as far as working with the community and data collection/ analysis.
What is the most interesting project you’ve been a part of so far?
The most interesting project is creating a repository platform that I have helped with.
What do you enjoy most about working here?
I enjoy my team and our patients.
How has your role evolved over time since you’ve been here?
My role when I started as a Soc/Clinical Research Associate (mainly collecting data and recruiting patients). My current role is a Soc/Clinical Research Specialist (I started writing IRB and running studies, collecting, and processing samples and reporting. I have written a few grants and been awarded funds from them. I also have learned other roles in our center and serve as a back-up for our schedulers).
What is one thing that you wish people knew about your job?
Research is very rewarded but is intricate. The layers and processes can be very demanding.
What are you most proud of, personal or professional?
What I’m most proud of is my 3 kids, although they are adults now. They are my greatest accomplishment and joy.
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
Travel to Australia
Do you have hobbies outside of work that you enjoy?
My hobbies are reading, hiking, traveling, photography, and shopping.
What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
“That things happen for a reason in God’s time not yours.”
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I’ve recently became a Mema to our first grandson; but shhhhh… I think I love him more than my kids. Just kidding