For Faculty Physicians – Well-Being Index
The Well-Being Index (WBI) is a nine-question stress self-assessment, and became the FP Incentive for the second six months of FY20. Please take the survey and help meet the goal of 80% participation between Jan. 1 – June 30, 2020; doing-so will result in the full incentive payment of $2,500 to each faculty member (based on cFTE).
First-time survey takers, please click here to login and enter UNC PHYSICIAN for the invitation code. Click here to take the survey if you’ve previously registered to take the WBI. Contact the Well-Being Program with questions.
For UNC Health Care Employees – Diversity Modules
One Great Team, Carolina Care, Leading the Way, and It Starts With Me. The FY20 Triangle Cultural Enhancement Goal encourages all employees to participate in an activity related to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for employees, patients and visitors. The target participation rate for Triangle employees is 25% by June 30, 2020. Every employee at UNC Hospitals, clinical and non-clinical, can contribute to achieving this important organizational goal. In addition to helping us reach the goal, participation in one of the qualifying activities will enhance our cultural competence and knowledge about diverse populations.
Select an option from the lists in this Power Point slide deck or complete the two Skillsoft LMS trainings listed below:
Skillsoft Your Role in Workplace Diversity – 22 minutes
Skillsoft Overcoming Your Own Unconscious Biases – 30 minutes
For University Employees – Engagement Survey and Professional Development
Your opinion matters. Share it with us. Participate in the UNC System Employee Engagement Survey. Click here.
The deadline is February 25.
UNC’s Professional Development Courses are designed to develop and enhance essential workplace skills and increase job effectiveness and improve performance throughout the University. For more information, click here.