Departmental Tuesday Seminar
1131 Bioinformatics 1131 Bioinformatics Building, 130 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, NC, United StatesSeminar Title: Dysregulation of monocyte and macrophage maturation and function by chronic ethanol consumption
Seminar Title: Dysregulation of monocyte and macrophage maturation and function by chronic ethanol consumption
Students Presenting Leslie Kent of Rita Tamayo's Lab Mikhala Dorminey of Helen Lazear's Lab
Seminar Title: Size Matters: Helper-Dependent Adenoviral Vector Gene Therapy approaches for neurological disorders
Students Presenting Fulla Abdelgadir of Mark Heise & Lisa Gralinski's Labs Ben Darwitz of Lance Thurlow's Lab
Seminar Title: Functional Genomics in mapping the metabolic basis of cancer and tissue immunity
Seminar Speaker Amy Mathers from University of Virginia
Students Presenting Jonathan Cohen of Jason Whitmire's Lab Nathan Long of Shuntai Zhou's Lab
Seminar Title: TBD
Students Presenting Liz Minor of Camille Ehre's Lab Harrison Silva of Yuliya Pylayeva-Gupta's Lab