Vicky Madden, BS (part-time)
Research Specialist
Email: vmadden@med.unc.eduVicky has a BS in Zoology from Chapel Hill and over 35 years of experience in electron microscopy sample preparation and imaging.
Jillann A. Madren, BSResearch Specialist
Email: jillann_madren@med.unc.eduJillann has a BS in Chemistry from UNC Chapel Hill and has experience in industry, clinical, and academic labs. She joined the electron microscopy team at MSL in 2022 and is excited to help magnify researchers’ questions and illuminate answers.
Kristen K. White, MS, MT(ASCP)Research Specialist and Electron Microscopy Lead
Email: kristen_white@med.unc.eduKristen has a BS in Clinical Laboratory Science and an MS in Molecular and Cellular Pathology from UNC Chapel Hill, and is a certified medical technologist (ASCP). She has experience in diagnostic microbiology and translational research in carcinogenesis. Kristen has a decade of experience in electron microscopy (EM) techniques at MSL. As the lead electron microscopist, she manages project planning, preparation of samples for both transmitted and scanning electron microscopy, and imaging with those modalities.
Pablo Ariel, Ph.D.Director
Email: pablo_ariel@med.unc.eduPablo has PhD in Biological Sciences from Rockefeller University. He has been using microscopes since 2005, and teaching other researchers how to use them in core facilities since 2014. He has extensive experience with fluorescence microscopy, confocal, light-sheet, imaging of live samples, and image analysis using FIJI and Imaris. Pablo takes the lead for trainings and consultations on projects using light microscopy and image analysis.