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Light Microscopy and Image Analysis

Instrument or ServiceLineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) members UNC-CH (non-LCCC)UNC System (non-LCCC)Other academic institutions or non-profitsCommercial
All light microscopes except the spinning disks and light-sheet$24 / hour$45 / hour$48 / hour$75/ hour$96 / hour
Spinning disks$24 / hour for first 8 hours $8 / hour for subsequent hours of continuous use$45 / hour for first 8 hours
$12 / hour for subsequent hours of continuous use
$48 / hour for first 8 hours
$13 / hour for subsequent hours of continuous use
$75 / hour for first 8 hours
$20 / hour for subsequent hours of continuous use
$96 / hour for first 8 hours
$26 / hour for subsequent hours of continuous use
Lavision light-sheet microscope$63 / hour$70 / hour$77 / hour$120 / hour$154 / hour
Image analysis workstation$13 / hour$13 / hour$14 / hour$23 / hour$28 / hour
Staff time: imaging, assistance$77 / hour$77 / hour$85 / hour$132 / hour$170 / hour

Electron Microscopy

Instrument or ServiceLineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) members UNC-CH (non-LCCC)UNC System (non-LCCC)Other academic institutions or non-profitsCommercial
Electron microscopes$92 / hour$92 / hour$97 / hour$152 / hour$194 / hour
Staff time: imaging, assistance$77 / hour$77 / hour$85 / hour$132 / hour$170 / hour
Samdri 795 Critical Point Dryer$101/ cycle$101 / cycle$101 / cycle$157 / cycle$202 / cycle
Cressington 208HR High Resolution Sputter Coater$101/ cycle$101 / cycle$101 / cycle$157 / cycle$202 / cycle
Negative stain prep (1-5 samples)$220 / prep$220 / prep$226 / prep$352 / prep$452 / prep
EMprep, sectioning, ImmunoEM, etc.Available upon request*

*Estimated prices for other electron microscopy projects (SEM, ultrathin sections, immunoEM, etc) are provided after an initial meeting and in-depth discussion with MSL staff. Electron microscopy projects are highly customized to our users’ needs and pricing depends on many technical details. Contact us to set up a a meeting.


We charge a training fee corresponding to a fixed amount of staff time depending on the complexity of the instrumentation or process being taught. The cost to the user of that staff time will vary depending on their affiliation (see tables above).

Light Microscopy Training Fees

These fees will be charged in addition to the instrumentation time.
InstrumentApproximate number of hours of staff time needed to train new users
Standard brightfield and fluorescence microscopy 1
Widefield fluorescence deconvolution microscopy or widefield tiling 1.5
Laser scanning confocal microscopes 2
Spinning disk confocal microscopes 3
Light-sheet microscope 3

Electron Microscopy Training Fees

These fees will be charged in addition to the instrumentation time and/or sample preparation rate.
Procedure or Instrument Hours of staff time charged
Sputter coating0.5
Critical point drying1
Negative staining1.5
Scanning electron microscope3
Transmission electron microscope4

Rates in effect from July 1st, 2024. These rates are designed to recover our operating costs (staff salaries, service contracts, materials), and are periodically reviewed by UNC.