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Bridge Funding Applications Due

April 25

Bridge funding applications are typically accepted 3 times during the academic year.  A memo is sent to Department Chairs to share with their faculty giving specific due dates.

The most recent memo can be found here.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The grant has been reviewed and received a written critique
  • The PI has no more than 2 active R01s or the equivalent level of funding
  • The PI does not have more than $50k of additional sources of lab support, e.g. trust fund, startup, retention, royalties.
  • If the grant’s NIH number identifies the grant as a ‘new’ grant, the PI must include a cover letter explaining how the new grant is a repackaged version of previously funded research
  • The grant under consideration must be administered in an SOM unit
  • The department/center agrees to match the funding from the Dean’s Office.

The application for bridge funding much include:

  • cover letter
  • letter of support
  • current 3-4 page NIH biosketch
  • publications
  • research section of the original grant application
  • the NIH review of that application
  • a draft rebuttal for the revised application
  • proposed budget for the bridge funds.

Please direct questions and email your applications to Jen Brennan at


April 25