Q & A with Elisabeth Dellon, MD, MPH – Medical Director Children’s Supportive Care Team
Why did you decide to work in palliative care?
I went to medical school because I loved science and hoped to help advance science in ways to improve health care. I quickly learned that I was drawn to the stories of my patients and families and realized that their ability to living with serious illnesses depended not only on state-of-the-art treatments, but also on being heard – being able to share what’s important to them and what makes life worth living. Practicing palliative care allows me to blend my interests in both the science and the art of caring for people.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I love getting to know patients and families and hearing their stories, and particularly enjoy doing this alongside learners. Every “teachable moment” for a learner remains one for me no matter how long I do this. I am invigorated by learners who like to ask questions and to discuss and debrief challenging cases. Teaching keeps me engaged and focused and brings me a great deal of joy.
What do you enjoy most about living in the Triangle area?
What’s not to love? There is a little bit of everything here! I love food, arts, sports, nature… everything is right here and it’s easy to access and enjoy. We never thought we’d stay in North Carolina beyond fellowship training but here we are, 14 years later!