Dhurjhoti Saha, Srinivas Animireddy, Junwoo Lee, Anna Thommen, McKenzie M. Murvin, Yue Lu, Mauro J. Calabrese, Blaine Bartholomew. Enhancer switching in cell lineage priming is linked to eRNA, Brg1’s AT-hook, and SWI/SNF recruitment. 2024. Molecular Cell. ISSN 1097-2765,
Trotman, J.B., Braceros, A.K., Bischoff, S.R., Murvin, M.M., Boyson, S.P., Cherney, R.E., Eberhard, Q.E., Abrash, E.W., Calabrese, J.M. Ectopically expressed Airn lncRNA deposits Polycomb with a potency that rivals Xist. 2023. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2023.05.09.539960
Cherney, R.E., Mills, C.A., Herring, L.E., Braceros, A.K, Calabrese J.M. A monoclonal antibody raised again human EZH2 cross-reacts with the RNA-binding protein SAFB. 2023. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.03.535391
Braceros, A.K, Schertzer, M.D., Omer, A., Trotman, J.B., Davis, E.S., Dowen J.M., Phanstiel, D.H., Lieberman Aiden, E., Calabrese J.M. Proximity-dependent recruitment of Polycomb Repressive Complexes by the lncRNA Airn. 2022. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2022.12.20.521198
Cherney, R.E., Eberhard, Q.E., Mills, C.A., Porrello, A., Zhang, Z., White, D., Herring, L.E., Calabrese, J.M. SAFB associates with nascent RNAs to promote gene expression in mouse embryonic stem cells. 2022. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2022.12.20.521195
Trotman, J.B., Braceros, K.C.A., Cherney, R.E., Murvin, M.M., Calabrese J.M. The control of Polycomb Repressive Complexes by long noncoding RNAs. 2021. WIREs RNA. Apr 16:e1657. doi: 10.1002/wrna.1657. PMID: 33861025
Weidmann, C.A., Mustoe, A.M., Jariwala, P.B., Calabrese, J.M., Weeks, K.M. Analysis of RNA–protein networks with RNP-MaP defines functional hubs on RNA. 2021. Nature Biotechnology. 2021 Mar;39(3):347-356. doi: 10.1038/s41587-020-0709-7 PMID: 33077962. PMCID: PMC7956044.
Kirk J.M.*, Sprague D.*, Calabrese J.M. Classification of long noncoding RNAs by k-mer content. 2021. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2254:41-60. PMID: 33326069 PMCID: PMC7850294.
Schertzer, M. D., Murvin, M. M. and Calabrese, J. M. Using RNA Sequencing and Spike-in RNAs to Measure Intracellular Abundance of lncRNAs and mRNAs. 2020. Bio-protocol 10(19): e3772. doi: 10.21769/bioprotoc.3772 PMID: 33204768. PMCID: PMC7668557.
Sigmon, J. Blanchard, M., … Calabrese, J.M., … Ferris, M., McMillan, L., Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F. 2020. Content and performance of the MiniMUGA genotyping array, a new tool to improve rigor and reproducibility in mouse research. 2020. G3. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.120.303596 PMID: 33067325. PMCID: PMC7768238.
Trotman J.B., Lee D.M., Cherney R.E., Inoue, K. Schertzer M.D., Bischoff S.R., Cowley D.O., Calabrese J.M. Elements at the 5′ end of Xist harbor SPEN-independent transcriptional antiterminator activity. 2020. Nucleic Acids Res., gkaa789, PMID: 32986830. PMCID: PMC7544216.
Trotman J.B. and Calabrese J.M. 2020. How to silence an X chromosome. Nature News & Views. Feb 5. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-020-00207-0.
Smith K.N., Miller S.C., Varani G., Calabrese J.M., Magnuson T. Multimodal Long Noncoding RNA Interaction Networks: Control Panels for Cell Fate Specification. Genetics. Dec;213(4):1093-1110. PMID: 31796550. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.119.302661.
Schertzer M.D., Braceros K.C.A., Starmer J., Cherney R.E., Lee D.M., Salazer G., Justice M., Bischoff S.R., Cowley D.O., Ariel P., Zylka M.J., Dowen J.M., Magnuson T., Calabrese J.M. 2019. lncRNA-Induced Spread of Polycomb Controlled by Genome Architecture, RNA Abundance, and CpG Island DNA. Molecular Cell. Aug 8;75(3):523-537.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.05.028. *F1000Prime Recommended by Dr. Neil Brockdorff
Schertzer M.D., Thulson E., Braceros K.C.A., Lee D.M., Hinkle E.R., Murphy R.M., Kim S.O., Vitucci E.M., Calabrese J.M. 2019. A piggyBac-based toolkit for inducible genome editing in mammalian cells. RNA. Aug;25(8):1047-1058. doi: 10.1261/rna.068932.118.
Sprague D., Waters S., Kirk J.M., Wang J., Samollow P., Waters P., Calabrese J.M. 2019. Non-linear sequence similarity between the Xist and Rsx long noncoding RNAs suggests shared functions of tandem repeat domains. RNA. Aug;25(8):1004-1019. doi: 10.1261/rna.069815.118.
Raab J.R., Smith K.N., Spear C.C., Manner C.J., Calabrese J.M., Magnuson T. 2019. SWI/SNF remains localized to chromatin in the presence of SCHLAP1. Nature Genetics 51(1):26-29.
Kirk J.M., Kim S.O., Inoue K., Smola M.J., Lee D.M., Schertzer M.D., Wooten J.S., Baker A.R., Sprague D., Collins D.W., Horning C.R., Wang S., Chen Q., Weeks K.M., Mucha P.J., and Calabrese J.M. 2018. Functional classification of long non-coding RNAs by kmer content. Nature Genetics 50, 1474–1482.
UNC press release:
Smola, M.J., Christy, T.W., Inoue, K., Nicholson, C., Friedersdorf, M., Keene, J., Lee, D.M., Calabrese J.M., Weeks, K.M. 2016. SHAPE reveals transcript-wide interactions, complex structural domains, and protein interactions across the Xist lncRNA in living cells. PNAS 113(37):10322-7.
Smola, M.J., Calabrese J.M., Weeks, K.M. 2015. Detection of RNA-Protein Interactions in Living Cells with SHAPE. Biochemistry 54(46):6867-6875.
Chu C., Zhang Q.C., da Rocha S.T., Flynn R.A., Bharadwaj M., Calabrese J.M., Magnuson T., Heard E., Chang H.Y. 2015. Systematic discovery of Xist RNA binding proteins. Cell 161:404-416.
Calabrese, Starmer J., Schertzer M.D., Yee D., Magnuson T. 2015. A survey of imprinted gene expression in mouse trophoblast stem cells. G3 Feb 23.
Pohlers M., Calabrese J.M., Magnuson T. 2014. Small RNA expression from the human macrosatellite DXZ4. G3 4(10):1981-9.
Mugford J.W., Starmer J., Williams R.L., Calabrese J.M., Mieczkowski P., Yee D., Magnuson T. 2014. Evidence for local regulatory control of escape from imprinted X chromosome inactivation. Genetics 197(2):715-723.
Williams R.L.*, Starmer J.*, Mugford J.W., Calabrese J.M., Mieczkowski P., Yee D., Magnuson T. 2014. A Method for Determining Chromosomal Interactions in 4C-Seq Data. Nucleic Acids Research 42(8): e68.
King I.F., Yandava C.N., Mabb A.M., Hsiao J.S., Huang H.S., Pearson B.L., Calabrese J.M., Starmer J., Parker J.S., Magnuson T., Chamberlain S.J., Philpot B.D., Zylka M.J. 2013. Topoisomerases facilitate transcription of long genes linked to autism. Nature 501(7465):58-62. PMC3767287
Calabrese, J.M. and Magnuson, T. 2013. Roles of long noncoding RNAs in X-chromosome Inactivation. In The Molecular Biology of Long Non-coding RNAs, Coller J and Khalil A, (Eds). Springer Science. 69-94.
Calabrese, J.M., Sun, W. Song, L., Mugford, J.W., Williams, L., Yee, D., Starmer, J., Mieczkowski, P., Crawford, G.E., Magnuson, T. 2012. Site-specific silencing of regulatory elements as a mechanism of X-inactivation. Cell 151(5): 951-63. PMC3511858. Press release.
Fedoriw, A.M., Calabrese, J.M., Mu, W., Yee, D., Magnuson, T. 2012. Differentiation-Driven Nucleolar Association of the Mouse Imprinted Kcnq1 locus. Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2(12): 1521-8. PMC3516474
Horakova, A.H., Calabrese, J.M., McLaughlin, C.R., Tremblay, D.C., Magnuson, T., Chadwick, B.P. 2012. The mouse DXZ4 homolog retains Ctcf binding and proximity to Pls3 despite substantial organizational differences compared to the primate macrosatellite. Genome Biology 13(8): R70. PMC3491370
Zheng, G.X.*, Ravi, A.*, Calabrese, J.M., Medeiros, L.A., Kirak, O., Dennis, L.M., Jaenisch, R., Burge, C.B., Sharp P.A.. 2011. A latent pro-survival function for the mir-290-295 cluster in mouse embryonic stem cells. PLoS Genet. 2011 May;7(5):e1002054. PMC3088722
Seila, A.C.*, Calabrese, J.M.*, Levine, S.S., Yeo, G.W. Rahl, P.B, Young, R.A., and Sharp, P.A. 2008. Divergent transcription from active promoters. Science 322:1849-1851. PMC2692996
Marson, A.*, Levine S.S.*, Cole, M.F., Frampton, G.M., Brambrink, T., Johnstone, S., Guenther, M.G., Johnston, W.K., Wernig M., Newman, J., Calabrese, J.M., Dennis, L.M., Volkert, T.L., Gupta, S., Love, J., Hannett, N., Sharp, P.A., Bartel, D.P., Jaenisch, R., and Young, R.A. 2008. Connecting microRNA genes to the core transcriptional regulatory circuitry of embryonic stem cells. Cell 134(3): 521-533. PMC2586071
Calabrese, J.M.*, Seila, A.C.*, Yeo, G.W., and Sharp, P.A. 2007. RNA sequence analysis defines Dicer’s role in mouse embryonic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104(46): 18097-18102. PMC2084302
Calabrese, J.M. and Sharp, P.A. 2006. Characterization of the short RNAs bound by the P19 suppressor of RNA silencing in mouse embryonic stem cells. Rna 12(12): 2092-2102. PMC1664724
Leung, A.K., Calabrese, J.M., and Sharp, P.A. 2006. Quantitative analysis of Argonaute protein reveals microRNA-dependent localization to stress granules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(48): 18125-18130. PMC1838717
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ca denotes corresponding author