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Post-traumatic stress and future substance use outcomes: leveraging antecedent factors to stratify risk

May 7, 2024

This study explored how PTSD symptoms impact future substance use, including tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis, utilizing causal forests to identify what factors are most important in stratifying this relationship. Findings revealed a significant association between PTSD symptoms and heightened tobacco and alcohol use, and that variables for lifetime cigarette use, overall physical health, and childhood … Read more

Automatic landmark identification in cone-beam computed tomography

May 7, 2024

The ALICBCT tool offers an open-source, fully automated method for accurately placing landmarks in cone-beam CT scans, leveraging a novel AI approach for landmark detection with high precision and swift processing times, validated for clinical and research use.

IcoConv : Explainable brain cortical surface analysis for ASD classification.

May 7, 2024

This study presents a unique method for analyzing 3D shapes through 2D CNNs with custom pooling, aimed at identifying high-risk ASD subjects by analyzing brain measurements mapped onto a sphere, featuring a novel icosahedron convolution operator and generating explainability maps that corroborate and potentially expand on existing ASD research.