Assistant Professor
UNC Hospitals – Chapel Hill
Education and Training:
BS, Human Development and Family Studies, Cornell University
MS, Psychology, Colorado State University
PhD, Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Colorado State University
Summary Statement:
Dr. Campbell studies cognitive control and emotional processes, factors that contribute to their performance, how they differ within individuals, and how they interact with other functional systems. Her goal is to discover how neuronal assemblies develop and adapt to serve these important complex behaviors. Dr. Campbell seeks to determine how these networks develop in health, how they change to meet individual needs or challenges, how they differ in mental illness and between types of illness, and to identify features of these networks that might serve as targets for intervention or treatment. She uses electrophysiology, biological, behavioral and neurocognitive measures across a range of patient participant populations, from infancy to older adults. Her recent work has investigated a range of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, those at risk for psychotic disorders, anxiety, autism, and PTSD.