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The effect of neighborhood Area Deprivation Index on residential burn injury severity

December 13, 2021
Lead Author: Lauren Purcell, MD | Journal: Burns Residential fires account for the majority of burn-related injuries and fatalities. Established risk factors for burn injury include male gender, racial minority, children and elderly individuals, poverty, and substandard housing characteristics. In North Carolina, the rate of residential fire injuries and deaths...

The effect of burn mechanism on pediatric mortality in Malawi: A propensity weighted analysis

December 13, 2021
Resident Authors: Laura N. Purcell, MD | Faculty Authors: Bruce Cairns, MD, Michael R. Phillips, MD, Jared R. Gallaher, MD, Anthony Charles, MD | Journal: Burns The burden of global trauma disproportionately affects low- and middle-income countries, with a high incidence in children. Thermal injury represents one of the most...

Isoforms of MUC16 activate oncogenic signaling through EGF receptors to enhance the progression of pancreatic cancer

December 13, 2021
Lead Author: Jen Jen Yeh, MD | Journal: Molecular Theory Aberrant expression of CA125/MUC16 is associated with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) progression and metastasis. However, knowledge of the contribution of MUC16 to pancreatic tumorigenesis is limited. Here, we show that MUC16 expression is associated with disease progression, basal-like and squamous...

Socioeconomic disparities in ostomy reversal among older adults with diverticulitis are more substantial among non-Hispanic Black patients

December 13, 2021
Lead Author: Trista Reid, MD | Journal: Surgery While ostomies for diverticulitis are often intended to be temporary, ostomy reversal rates can be as low as 46%. There are few comprehensive studies evaluating the effects of socioeconomic status as a disparity in ostomy reversal. We hypothesized that among the elderly...

What Survivorship Means to Liver Transplant Recipients: Qualitative Groundwork for a Survivorship Conceptual Model

December 13, 2021
Author: Chirag Desai, MD | Journal: Liver Transplantation Survivorship is a well-established concept in the cancer care continuum with a focus on disease recurrence, quality of life, and the minimization of competing risks for mortality; however, survivorship has not been well studied in liver transplantation (LT). We investigated what survivorship...

The Role of Intraoperative Radiation in Early-stage Breast Cancer

December 13, 2021
Lead Author: David Ollila, MD | Journal: Clinical Breast Cancer Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is a specialized form of accelerated partial breast irradiation in which a single dose of radiation is delivered to the tumor bed at the time of breast conserving surgery.

Perceived Versus Objective Change in Walking Ability in Peripheral Artery Disease: Results from 3 Randomized Clinical Trials of Exercise Therapy

December 13, 2021
Author: Melina R. Kibbe, MD | Journal of American Heart Association Background In people with lower-extremity peripheral artery disease, the effects of exercise on patient-reported outcomes remain unclear.

Randomized Phase II Study of PET Response-Adapted Combined Modality Therapy for Esophageal Cancer: Mature Results of the CALGB 80803 (Alliance) Trial

December 13, 2021
Author: Michael O. Meyers | Journal of Clinical Oncology To evaluate the use of early assessment of chemotherapy responsiveness by positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to tailor therapy in patients with esophageal and esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma.