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Use and disparities in parathyroidectomy for symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism in the Medicare population

December 13, 2021
Resident Author: Josh Herb, MD | Faculty Author: Lawrence Kim, MD | Journal: Surgery Few studies assess use of parathyroidectomy among older adults with symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism. Our objective was to determine national usage and disparities in parathyroidectomy for symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism among insured older adults.

Male sex, ostomy, infection, and intravenous fluids are associated with increased risk of postoperative ileus in elective colorectal surgery

December 13, 2021
Surgery Author: Muneera R. Kapadia, MD | Surgery Journal Postoperative ileus is a common and costly complication after elective colorectal surgery. Effects of intravenous fluid administration remain controversial, and the effect of ostomy construction has not been fully evaluated. Various restrictive intravenous fluid protocols may adversely affect renal function. We...

Socioeconomic factors in timing of esophagectomy and association with outcomes

December 13, 2021
Residency Author: Kevin A. Chen, MD | Faculty Author: Michael O Meyers | Journal of Surgical Oncology Disparities in esophageal cancer are well-established. The standard treatment for locally advanced esophageal cancer is chemoradiation followed by surgery. We sought to evaluate the association between socioeconomic factors, time to surgery, and patient...

Pulmonary complications observed in patients with infective endocarditis with and without injection drug use: An analysis of the National Inpatient Sample

December 13, 2021
Authors: Gita N. Mody, MD, John S. Ikonomidis, MD, Jason M. Long | Journal: PLoS One The impact of cardiovascular and neurologic complications on infective endocarditis (IE) are well studied, yet the prevalence and significance of pulmonary complications in IE is not defined. To better characterize the multifaceted nature of...

Pathology and Molecular Characteristics of Pancreatic Cancer

December 13, 2021
Residency Author: Joseph F Kearney, MD | Faculty Author: Jen Jen Yeh, MD | Journal: Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most common type of pancreatic cancer. However, it should be kept in mind that there are other pancreatic cancers that are classified by...

Patch grafting, strategies for transplantation of organoids into solid organs such as liver

December 13, 2021
Author: Yi Xianwen, PhD | Journal: Biomaterials Epithelial cell therapies have been at an impasse because of inefficient methods of transplantation to solid organs. Patch grafting strategies were established enabling transplantation of ≥107th organoids/patch of porcine GFP+ biliary tree stem/progenitors into livers of wild type hosts.

Burn Injury Induces Proinflammatory Plasma Extracellular Vesicles That Associate with Length of Hospital Stay in Women: CRP and SAA1 as Potential Prognostic Indicators

December 13, 2021
Leader Author: Robert Maile, PhD | International Journal of Molecular Sciences Severe burn injury is a devastating form of trauma that results in persistent immune dysfunction with associated morbidity and mortality. The underlying drivers of this immune dysfunction remain elusive, and there are no prognostic markers to identify at-risk patients.

Causes of death following discharge after trauma in North Carolina

December 13, 2021
Residency Author: Mary K Bryant, MD | Faculty Authors: Sharon Schiro, PhD, Lauren Raff, MD, Arielle J. Perez, MD, Trista Reid, MD | The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery While a "fourth peak" of delayed trauma mortality has been described, limited data describe the causes of death (COD)...