The following letter was sent to Richard Y. Stevens, UNC Board of Trustees Chair, on June 21, 2021.
Dear Mr. Stevens:
We write this letter in response to the call for action of our elected Faculty Chair, Frank A. Daniels Distinguished Professor Mimi Chapman. We are unified in our faculty voice in response to the threat of an assault on the very integrity of our academic process. We love the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and we wholeheartedly believe in the missions and values of this beloved institution. It is in this spirit that we are speaking out in full support of Lux Libertas.
It is a matter of great honor and pride to all of us that, as the nation’s first public university, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the birthplace of public higher education in this country. The stated mission of our university is to “serve as a center for research, scholarship, and creativity and to teach a diverse community of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to become the next generation of leaders.” Our commitment to our founding principles—lux, libertas—light and liberty—led us to “chart a bold course of leading change to improve society and help solve the world’s greatest problems” ( Our ability to attract and retain the exceptional faculty necessary to achieve these lofty mission goals is interwoven with our institutional commitment to academic freedom. This promise of academic freedom is stated clearly in the Trustee Policies and Regulations Governing Academic Tenure in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 9, 1976 and last amended September 24, 2020).
“Academic freedom is the right of a faculty member to be responsibly engaged in efforts to discover, speak, and teach the truth. It is the policy of the University to maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research, and publication and to protect any member of the faculty against influences, from within or without the University, which would restrict the faculty member in the exercise of these freedoms in his or her area of scholarly interest.”
We fully concur with this policy, and we aspire to promote and guard the exploration of scholarly thought and discourse that the promise of academic freedom ensures.
As department chairs and center directors in the UNC School of Medicine, we have moral and ethical obligations to uphold the stipulated and written values and principles of the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) process. Our values govern our principles and act as the foundation for the APT process that, at its most fundamental core, is to protect academic freedom. We face complex issues in running our diverse departments and centers. As clinical department chairs, we must provide excellence in health care delivery to the patients we serve. As center directors and clinical and basic science chairs, we must continually push the boundaries of scientific discovery and innovation. As an academic medical center, we must also foster and support our outstanding academic missions in training the next generation of learners and leaders. The APT process is a fully articulated system of checks and balances that requires participation and feedback from Department Chairs, Center Directors, Division Chiefs, Professors, APT committees at the department, school and university levels, Dean of the School of Medicine, the University Provost and the UNC Board of Trustees. Consequently, our APT process is utilized to achieve our stated mission and values, and has allowed us to attract, retain, and promote exceptional faculty who are invited and encouraged to explore heterogeneous thinking. Many have become nationally and internationally recognized drivers and thought leaders of their field.
As institutional leaders, we must have the full confidence and trust of our faculty that we have assiduously guarded the integrity of the APT process. Without the integrity of our academic processes, our promise of academic freedom is broken and will be tarnished. Educational excellence will wane. We fully understand that our University’s greatness is directly proportional to our clinical, research and educational excellence, and we deeply cherish and safeguard the distinction we have achieved through the merits of our faculty. Lux Libertas!
Ronald J. Falk, MD Nan and Hugh Cullman Eminent Professor and Chair Department of Medicine Founder and Co-Director, UNC Kidney Center |
Stephanie Duggins Davis, MD Charles and Katherine Brewer Professor and Chair Department of Pediatrics Physician-In-Chief, N.C. Children’s Hospital |
Kathleen Caron, PhD Professor and Chair Department of Cell Biology and Physiology |
Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH |
And with the declared support and on behalf of:
SOM Clinical and Basic Science Chairs:
Joshua Alexander, MD
Sidna Chockley Rizzo Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation
Director of Pediatric Rehabilitation
Jane H. Brice, MD, MPH
Professor and Chair
Department of Emergency Medicine
Russell Broaddus, MD, PhD
Joe W. and Evelyn M. Grisham Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Donald L. Budenz, MD
Kittner Family Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Ophthalmology
Craig E. Cameron, PhD
Jeffrey Houpt Distinguished Investigator
Professor and Chair Microbiology and Immunology
Paul A. Dayton, PhD
W.R. Kenan Distinguished Professor and Interim Chair
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Henrik Dohlman, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Pharmacology
Gwenn A. Garden, MD, PhD
Houston Merritt Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Neurology
Margaret R. Helton, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Family Medicine
Stephen R. Hooper, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean of Medicine Chair
Department of Allied Health Sciences
Melina R. Kibbe, MD, FACS, FAHA
Colin G. Thomas, Jr. Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Surgery
Maureen P. Kohi, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Radiology
Lawrence B. Marks, M.D.
Dr. Sidney K. Simon Distinguished Professor of Oncology Research
Professor and Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology
Executive Medical Director of Care Redesign, UNC Heath Care System
Genevieve S. Neal-Perry, MD, PhD
Robert A. Ross Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Matthew Nielsen, MD, MS, FACS
John Sloan Rhodes and John Flint Rhodes Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Urology
Nelson Oyesiku, MD PhD Professor and Chair
Department of Neurosurgery
Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena, PhD
Oliver Smithies Investigator, Professor and Chair
Department of Genetics
James O. Sanders, MD
Frank C. Wilson Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Orthopedics
Brian D. Strahl, PhD
Oliver Smithies Investigator, Professor, and Interim Chair
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Nancy E. Thomas MD, PhD
Irene and Robert Alan Briggaman Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Dermatology
Wendell G. Yarbrough, MD, MMHC, FACS
Thomas J. Dark Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
David Zvara, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Anesthesiology
SOM Center Directors:
Adaora A. Adimora, MD, MPH
Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Professor of Epidemiology
Co-Director, UNC Center for AIDS Research
Victoria L Bautch, PhD
Beverly Long Chapin Distinguished Professor of Biology
Co-Director, UNC McAllister Heart Institute
Wendy R. Brewster, MD, PhD
Director Center for Women’s Health Research Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD
Mary and Thomas Hudson Distinguished Professor and Director
Center for Aging and Health
John B Buse, MD, PhD
Verne S. Caviness Distinguished Professor
Co-Director, NC Translational and Clinical Science Institute Co-Director, NC Diabetes Center
Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Research
Myron S. Cohen, MD
Yeargan-Bate Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, and Epidemiology
Director, UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease
Claire M. Doerschuk, M.D.
Professor of Medicine and Pathology
Director, Center for Airways Disease
Shelton Earp, MD
Lineberger Distinguished Professor and Director
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Research Center
Timothy Elston
Jeffrey Houpt Distinguished Investigator
Co-Director, Computational Medicine Program Department of Pharmacology
Ilona Jaspers, PhD
Professor; Departments of Pediatrics, Microbiology & Immunology, and Env. Sci. & Engineering
Director; Curriculum in Toxicology & Environmental Medicine
Director; Center for Env. Med. Asthma & Lung Biology
Nigel Key, MD
Harold R Roberts Distinguished Professor
Director, UNC Blood Research Center Department of Medicine
Richard F. Loeser, Jr., MD
Joseph P. Archie, Jr. Eminent Professor of Medicine Division of Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology
Director, Thurston Arthritis Research Center
David M. Margolis MD
Sarah Graham Keenan Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Director, UNC HIV Cure Center
Ben Philpot, Ph.D.
Kenan Distinguished Professor
Associate Director, UNC Neuroscience Center
Joseph Piven, M.D.
Thomas E. Castelloe Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Director, Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities
Prabir Roy-Chaudhury MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Co-Director UNC Kidney Center
Robert S. Sandler, MD, MPH
Nina C. and John T. Sessions Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Director, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease
Ronald Swanstrom, Ph.D.
Charles Postelle Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry
Co-Director, UNC Center For AIDS Research
Jenny Pan-Yun Ting, Ph.D.
William Rand Kenan Professor of Genetics, Microbiology and Immunology
Director, Center of Translational Immunology.
Mark J. Zylka, Ph.D.
W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor
Director, UNC Neuroscience Center
Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD
Chancellor, UNC at Chapel Hill
Office of the Chancellor
Wesley Burks, MD
Dean, UNC School of Medicine
Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs
CEO, UNC Health
Christy Page, MD, MPH
Executive Dean, UNC School of Medicine
Mimi V. Chapman
Chair of the Faculty
Office of Faculty Governance