Three Department of Surgery faculty members were recognized for their exemplary service by the UNC Academy of Educators. Yesterday evening, Dr. Arielle Perez, Dr. Stephanie Downs-Canner, and Dr. Luigi Pascarella received awards at the Academy of Educators’ Alan W. Cross Evening of Scholarship.
Arielle Perez received the Application/Individualization Phase Clinical Preceptor Excellence in Teaching Award for faculty at UNC Hospitals who are strong clinical preceptors, but who do not have administrative responsibilities that place them on the Clinical Curriculum Committee.
Stephanie Downs-Canner received the Craver Medical Student Teaching Award, eligible to a clinical faculty member in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics or Surgery who is an outstanding teacher, inspiring and changing the lives of medical students.
Finally, the Medical Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professorship was awarded to Luigi Pascarella for his substantial leadership in teaching medical students as well as educational innovation. Currently seven faculty members hold these prestigious positions, each for a four-year period.
Founded in 2006, the Academy of Educators emphasizes teaching and supports faculty development in Chapel Hill and across the state. More than 280 faculty members and 100 resident members represent a diverse population of educators in various specialties. More information on the awards is available on the Academy of Educators website. Congratulations to all three Surgery faculty members on this achievement!