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Dr. Richard Loeser receives award to study the microbiome and OA

June 2, 2015
Dr. Loeser receives the UNC School of Medicine Office of Research and TraCS Translational Team Science Award for “The Role of the Microbiome in Osteoarthritis”

Medical and Graduate Student Preceptorships Awarded

June 2, 2015
Two students were awarded an eight week preceptorship by the Rheumatology Research Foundation and will complete their preceptorships at UNC TARC.

2015 Osteoarthritis Research Society International Meeting (OARSI)

June 2, 2015
UNC TARC represented our community, state and nation at the OARSI World Congress annual meeting in Seattle, Washington.

Julie Hans, UNC TARC supporter, interviewed by WNCN

April 29, 2015
Check it out!

Dr. Kelli Allen leads Stepped Exercise Program for Knee Osteoarthritis (STEP-KOA)

April 20, 2015
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronic conditions and a leading cause of disability among veterans. Although exercise is known to improve pain, physical abilities, and other outcomes for patients who have knee OA, most individuals with this condition are physically inactive. Therefore there is a need...

Dr. Jordan named Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development

April 10, 2015
Dr. William L. Roper, MD, MPH, Dean of the UNC School of Medicine, has appointed Joanne M. Jordan, MD, MPH, as Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, effective April 15, 2015.

Congratulations Dr. Maya Jerath and Dr. Bill Yount!

April 8, 2015
Two of our very own clinical faculty, Dr. Maya Jerath and Dr. Bill Yount are two of only 22 doctors who are being awarded the 2015 UNC Health Care and Faculty Physicians Award for Carolina Care Excellence. Dr. Jerath and Dr. Yount are outstanding physicians who each achieved 100% satisfaction...

Dr. Yvonne Golightly receives RO1 grant from the NIH on first proposal

April 8, 2015
An R01 is a grant awarded by the NIH to support a large research project and they are hard to get. Dr. Golightly’s RO1 is a four-year grant titled “The Role of Joint Hypermobility in Lower Body Osteoarthritis”, and her UNC TARC team includes Drs. Jordan, Nelson, Cleveland, Schwartz, and...

NCRA update

March 23, 2015
UNC was well-represented at the North Carolina Rheumatology Association (NCRA) meeting March 21-22. Dr. Slavin did a fantastic case presentation sparking much discussion (photo). Dr. Jimmy Ford from pulmonary gave an excellent talk on pulmonary hypertension. Also in attendance were our fellows Drs. Adhikari and Ritt and Dr. Nelson who...

Dr. Loeser wins NIH award to build interdisciplinary team

March 20, 2015
Dr. Richard Loeser in the Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology and the UNC Thurston Arthritis Research Center has received a National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) research grant called a BIRT award for “Building Interdisciplinary Research Teams”.