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Joint Presentation: UNC CCCR Speakers Series + Program For Precision Medicine in Health Care: “Machine Learning Tools for Clinical Researchers” – A Pragmatic Series

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Join the UNC Core Center for Clinical Research (CCCR) and Program for “Precision Medicine in Health Care (PPMH) for Machine Learning Tools for Clinical Researchers: A Pragmatic Approach Series,” a free virtual seminar series on May 11, 18, and 25, 2022. This series will provide a foundation of knowledge regarding the use of machine learning … Read more

UNC CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Sandra Soto; “Lessons learned from a dyadic physical activity feasibility study designed for Latinos with osteoarthritis”

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“Lessons learned from a dyadic physical activity feasibility study designed for Latinos with osteoarthritis” Brief description: Feasibility of Move With Support!, a physical activity intervention for Latinos with knee/hip osteoarthritis and a friend or family member. She will discuss lessons learned regarding recruitment, intervention adherence, and acceptability (e.g., using the Fitbit/Fitbit app) among this population. … Read more

UNC CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Virginia Kraus; “Treatment stratification of patients based on biomarker profile”

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"Treatment Stratification of Patients Based on Biomarker Profile" Brief Description: Stratified medicine involves the use of biomarkers to differentiate patient populations into subsets (i.e. endotypes) that provide more detailed information about the specific causes of conditions, and predict how patients will respond to a given drug or combination of drugs. The ability to successfully identify … Read more

UNC CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Joshua Baker; “The role of obesity in inflammatory arthritis: epidemiologic challenges.”

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“The role of obesity in inflammatory arthritis: epidemiologic challenges.” Brief Description of Presentation: The risks of obesity in the development and severity of inflammatory arthritis have been difficult to estimate, partly because body mass is a poor indicator of metabolic health. In this talk we will explore the associations between obesity (as traditionally defined) and clinical … Read more

CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Kharma Foucher; “Physical activity limitations in osteoarthritis: Biomechanical underpinnings?”

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"Physical activity limitations in osteoarthritis: Biomechanical underpinnings?" Summary: Insufficient physical activity is a major problem in people with osteoarthritis. While barriers to physical activity are multifactorial, most research has focused on behavioral factors.  This talk will discuss recent work exploring biomechanical and energetic correlates of physical activity in women with hip or knee osteoarthritis, and … Read more

CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Jeffrey Curtis; “Informatics & Digital Health Tools to Support Clinical Research and Care: Examples from Rheumatology”

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"Informatics & Digital Health Tools to Support Clinical Research and Care: Examples from Rheumatology" Summary: This presentation will describe creation and support of a practice-based research network to support clinical research and care, using an example from rheumatology. It will highlight several informatics tools and approaches to integrate different data sources together and highlight how … Read more

CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Trevor Lentz; “Mental Health Phenotyping in Osteoarthritis: From Concept to Implementation”

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"Mental Health Phenotyping in Osteoarthritis: From Concept to Implementation" Mental health needs can have a significant impact on treatment outcomes for osteoarthritis. Clinical phenotyping has strong potential to inform the development of tailored treatment pathways that address common mental health needs. In this presentation, Dr. Lentz will describe a line of work focused on using … Read more

CCCR Speakers Series: Dr. Afton L. Hassett; “Chronic Pain and Resilience: How Do We Harness the Power of Joy, Optimism and Love?”

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"Chronic Pain and Resilience: How Do We Harness the Power of Joy, Optimism and Love?" This talk will review the role of thoughts and emotions in the neurobiology of chronic pain and explore how more adaptive thoughts, positive emotions and healthy relationships decrease the experience of pain and lead to a more rewarding life. Afton … Read more

UNC CCCR Speaker Series: Brian Pietrosimone, PhD

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Speaker: Brian Pietrosimone, PhD Associate Prof. - Athletic Training Director, MOTION Science Institute Dept. of Exercise and Sport Science UNC Chapel Hill   Talk Title: The Biomechanical Path to Osteoarthritis Following Knee Injury and a GAIT-way to Improved Outcomes   Register in advance for this meeting After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing … Read more