Information Dissemination Core outreach activities for Brain Awareness Week
2012 Protect Your Brain (Dr. Robinson) An interactive exhibit focused on brain protection, including skulls from various animals, animal brains with and without meninges, a hands-on experiment illustrating the cushion of cerebrospinal fluid, and the prevention message to wear a helmet.
2013 Building the Brain (Drs. O’Leary Moore, Sulik, Robinson) An interactive exhibit on the developing brain, including embryonic, fetal and adult animal brain specimens, viewing brain tissue in a virtual microscope, and drawing different types of neurons and glia on craft paper.
2014 Electric Muscles (Dr. Robinson) An interactive exhibit on the electrical properties of the nervous system and how the brain controls muscle movement, including animal brains, spinal cords and real-time EMG recordings of visitors’ muscles.
2015 Brain Tricks (Drs. Besheer, Robinson) An interactive exhibit on how our perception of sensations can be altered by expectations and biology, incl. hands-on optical, tactile, auditory and olfactory illusions.
2016 Concussion (Drs. Besheer, Robinson) An interactive exhibit on what various parts of the brain do, how they can be injured by concussion, what to do if you may have a concussion, and how to protect your brain. We also illustrate potential visual effects of a concussion with “concussion” distortion goggles.
2017 Organizing Events (Drs. Besheer, Robinson) The Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies has organized several community outreach events focused on neuroscience and alcohol effects on the brain. This poster gives a step-by-step guide.
2017 Robo-Brain Drs. Besheer, Robinson) An interactive exhibit on new advances in machine-brain interfaces as potential therapies for brain injury and disease. In addition to learning about the brain and areas of motor control, visitors operate a robotic claw by contracting their own muscles, via an EMG interface.
2019- Memory Games (Drs. Robinson, Besheer) An interactive exhibit that explores our attention and short-term memory, and how they interact. In addition to experienced examples of how we can enhance our short-term memory, the activities promote conversation on how we can keep a healthy brain and optimize memory.