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Beginning Tuesday, May 19th, the blood bank will now require a second blood type sample for patients who have not had a prior type and screen at UNC Hospitals. Please direct any questions to Dr. Yara Park, 984-974-1780, in TMS.

The College of American Pathologists, is requiring that institutions confirm a patient’s ABO type if the patient does not have a previous blood type in the blood bank computer system. The second type must be done on a second sample collected at a separate phlebotomy. Starting May 19th , the blood bank computer system will be set-up to require the second check-type sample. When TMS receives a type and screen (T&S) sample with a Prepare RBC request (or patient has an active T&S and TMS gets an order for Prepare RBC), TMS will immediately check for a previous ABO type on the patient. If there is NOT a previous type, TMS staff will call the floor or clinic with the patient and ask for another pink top tube with an order for a blood type only. While the second sample is being drawn, TMS will begin the T&S on the first sample. Once the second sample is in TMS, an ABO type only, which takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, will be performed and if types match, the units will be ready after the screen is complete on the first sample.

*** If your patient requires a second sample, there will be a comment listed in the results section under the patient’s blood type stating “2nd sample is required for ABORH confirmation”. Despite the plan for Precare, PCS, and TMS to develop mechanisms to ensure this second sample is obtained in a timely and efficient manner, we as anesthesia care team members must be proactive about ensuring this second sample is not missed.