We have again observed a rise in the incidence of corneal abrasions following robotic surgery. Please recall our Departmental Best Practice Guidelines regarding the prevention of corneal abrasions during robotic surgery.
The risk for corneal abrasions is increased during robotic surgery where the patient is placed in steep Tredelenberg position. UNC Department of Anesthesiology now recommends as best practice the following for robotic surgeries in the Tredelenberg position:
1) Eye protection with eye occluders, eye pads, and gentle application of lacrilube.
2) Disclosure to the patient preoperatively that the surgical procedure and position puts them at increased risk for corneal abrasions.
Reference: 1) Urology. 2013 Feb;81(2):319-23. 2) Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013 Feb;166(2):226-8.