Category: Uncategorized
Mock Interviews for Individualization Students
July 23, 2022Dear members of AOE, It’s that time of year again! UNC SOM will host its annual virtual mock interviews for Individualization Phase students. As subject matter experts, this is your opportunity to help students prepare for residency interviews. This event has received incredibly positive feedback from students in the past, and we need your help to make it successful again this year. The mock interviews will be virtual. We are conducting the virtual mock interviews between September 19, 2022, and October 21, 2022. Here is how to sign-up and additional details about the event: Please sign-up for times using … Read more
Promoting Educational Scholarship
February 5, 2018The Academy of Educators (AOE) kicked off their 2018 faculty development workshop series featuring Dr. Joanne M. Jordan, MD, Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, who discussed getting promoted on the Educational Scholarship Track. The workshop helped outline differences between fixed term teaching and educational scholarship tenure tracks, illuminated the type of published research that would qualify as educational scholarship, and featured teaching portfolio components with examples. The lecture capture and slides from the workshop can be found here. One attendee shared: “Being brand new faculty, this was helpful to jump start my thinking about what I need to do … Read more
January Community Conversation Rescheduled for 1/25 @ 4:30 PM ET
January 18, 2018Due to the weather, our January Community Conversation has been rescheduled for next Thursday, January 25, 2018 from 4:30 – 5:30 PM ET in MacNider 321. We hope to see you there!
Academy of Educators Winter Bulletin
January 2, 2018The Academy of Educators emailed a Winter Bulletin on December 20th. Make sure to check your email for in case you missed it. One of the highlights included a 5-minute needs assessment to be completed before the January 18 tri-annual Community Conversation.
Faculty Development Workshop: Mentoring Junior Faculty
November 28, 2017Thank you to Dr. Susan Girdler, PhD & Dr. Cristin Colford, MD for leading our November Faculty Development Workshop: Mentoring Junior Faculty. 100% of attendees found the workshop to be a valuable use of their time! Check out this infographic to see more workshop insights and access resources in case you weren’t able to make it.