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The New Animal PET/CT System

September 13, 2017

The Small Animal Imaging facility will be getting a new PET/CT System in October. The system is funded by a recently awarded NIH high-end instrumentation (HEI) S10 grant (S10-OD023611-01, PI: Zibo Li, PhD). The new system will replace the old GE eXplore Vista PET/CT system, and is expected to have significantly improved performance for PET/CT imaging. (Click Title to read more)

Imaging Rate Adjustment for External Studies

September 13, 2017

Due to the adjustments on the UNC facilities and administrative (F&A) cost (increased from 52% to 55.5%), our external imaging rates will be increased accordingly. This will affect external users for future studies. Our imaging rates for internal users have not changed. These rates go into effect immediately.

Large Animal Imaging Capabilities

September 13, 2017

The SAI facility has developed an IACUC protocol for the core to image on large animals (dogs, cats, pigs, and non-human-primates). We have successfully conducted several PET/CT and PET/MRI studies on dogs, pigs and rhesus macaques. For more information including transportation, housing, SOPs, etc, please contact Dr. Hong Yuan (

Publications Using Imaging Services and Acknowledgement

September 13, 2017

Please always include our Cancer Core Grant support in you acknowledgement. We also need your help to update our publication records with your imaging work done in the core. To go to our online publication entry form. (Click Title to read more)

Imaging on BSL2 animals

September 13, 2017

The SAI facility has established a SOP for imaging on BSL2 animals within the imaging labs. Requests for imaging BSL2 animals must be made prior to imaging studies. (Click Title to read more)

Animal Transportation in Marsico Hall

September 13, 2017

Users who bring animals for imaging must strictly follow the UNC animal transportation policy. Animal cages MUST be covered using an opaque sheet during transportation to avoid public exposure. For users who need to bring animals from other animal facilities, please cover the animal cages completely and come to the BRIC front desk on the first floor, call 919-966-2855 to get escorted to the imaging facility. (Click Title to read more)

New PET imaging probes

December 16, 2016

The BRIC Cyclotron core makes more PET imaging probes for research studies.