CGIBD Research Seminar: “Hepatocellular host factors and hepatitis A virus infection” with Stanley Lemon, MD
ZOOMCGIBD Research Seminar: "Hepatocellular host factors and hepatitis A virus infection" with Stanley Lemon, MD
CGIBD Research Seminar: "Hepatocellular host factors and hepatitis A virus infection" with Stanley Lemon, MD
GI Epi Conference: "Works in Progress: Effects of human milk oligosaccharides on Campylobacter infections in Nicaraguan Children" with Rebecca Rubinstein, MPH
CGIBD Research Seminar "Enteroendocrine Regulation of Intestinal Physiology and Function" with Heather McCauley, PhD
GI Epi Conference: "Dysphagia in older adults" with David Leiman, MD, MSHP
CGIBD Research Seminar: "How can the Center for Gastrointestinal Biology & Disease's Large Animal Core and Advanced Analytics Core Move Your Research Forward?" with Anthony Blikslager, DVM, PhD and Scott Magness, PhD
GI Epi Conference: "Introduction to Division Research" with Edward Barnes, MD, MPH
CGIBD Research Seminar: "New insights into cell-intrinsic roles of IL-23R and IL-10 in regulating intestinal immune homeostasis" with Jeremy Goettel, PhD
GI Epi Conference: "Works in Progress" with Trevor Barlowe, MD
CGIBD Research Seminar: "Advances in IBS pathophysiology research and relationship with modern treatment for IBS" with Magnus Simren, MD, PhD
CGIBD Research Seminar: "Imprinted genes as drivers of liver disease in response to early life environmental stress" with Michael Cowley, PhD