Annual LMS Modules
All UNC Health employees, including employed providers, must complete LMS annual compliance and safety e-modules. This requirement is independent of the re/appointment process.
To read more about annual LMS module requirements, please review the Employee Mandatory Annual and Specialized Compliance Training policy (may be prompted to log into MyApps after clicking link).
When Should I Complete LMS Modules?
Employed providers must complete LMS annual compliance and safety e-modules within the first 30 days of hire and annually thereafter by their entity’s annual deadline (typically June 30 of each year).
How Is LMS Module Completion Tracked?
Physician Compliance is partnering with Department Chairs and Learning and Organizational Development (L&OD) to track provider completion of LMS compliance and safety modules by applicable deadlines.
Supervisors may run an Exception Report in LMS at any time to track required module completion by their direct reports. For a tipsheet on running Exception Reports, please click here (may be prompted to log into MyApps).
Providers may review their LMS Training Transcript and LMS Timeline (Tasks) to ensure all modules have been completed. The Transcript and Timeline are accessible from the left menu of the learner’s dashboard after logging into LMS.
Which Modules are Required Annually?
UNC Health System-Wide Training (All Employees)
To complete the required annual training modules, please log into LMS (using either this direct link or by accessing LMS via My Apps in Citrix) and complete HCS modules that have been assigned in your LMS Timeline. For a list of required HCS annual modules, please review the Employee Mandatory Annual and Specialized Compliance Training policy Appendix.
EMTALA Training (Providers in the ED)
Additionally, EMTALA training is required for employed providers who see patients in any capacity in the ED. (e.g., consultations seen in the ED). EMTALA training is not required for providers who do not see patients in the Emergency Department (ED). Click here for the EMTALA Overview module.
Other Training
Your entity may assign additional modules as needed throughout the year; please monitor your entity’s News announcements and your LMS Timeline for assigned tasks