Mapping Process
The CDI Mapping Process is a Calibration Project to Map Applicable SOM Clinical Research Positions into Standardized Positions.
View Standardized Position Descriptions
Career Development Initiative FAQs
CDI Mapping Reevaluation Request Form
Informational Session Recording
CDI HR Salary Adjustment Request Form
The Mapping Process
The mapping process consists of gathering information about all current SOM clinical research staff positions to determine if they should map to a standardized position. This process focuses on the current expectations of the position- it is a calibration process, not a promotional process.
CDI Team Initiates Contact with CRAU The SOM CDI Team will reach out to CRAU leadership to determine which positions should be included in the mapping process. Currently, we are mapping SOM clinical research positions that are
CDI Team Sends Education and Experience Form to Employee1) SHRA or EHRA non-faculty;
2) permanent; and
3) Have a majority of their work responsibilities focused on clinical research (Per the NIH Glossary of Common Terms).
All employees included in the mapping process will receive a REDCap link to the education and experience form, which will ask them about highest degree earned and years of experience in clinical research.
Supervisor Completes Position Mapping Assessment The supervisor will receive a mapping assessment for positions that they currently supervise (both vacant and filled positions). The mapping assessment will ask about the position’s task, duties, and expected level of competency.
CDI Mapping Committee Reviews Assessments The SOM CDI committee includes members from the clinical research community, SOM HR, and OHR. This committee determines if a position falls within one of the standardized positions, and if so, which one. They determine this using the current position description, the supervisor assessment, and other data.
CDI Team Distributes Mapping Outcome Letters Each supervisor who completes a mapping assessment will receive an outcome letter detailing if their supervised position maps to a standardized position, and if so, which one. Supervisors are welcome to submit a reevaluation request form within 5 days of letter receipt if they would like the committee to re-examine the position. After the first round of reevaluation, the committee will distribute the letter to the supervisor and incumbent employee (if the position is currently filled), and allow one final reevaluation period (requests must be submitted within 5 days of letter receipt).
Supervisor and HR Partner to Complete HR Actions Each outcome letter will detail the next steps to process the determination with SOM HR. Supervisors will partner with their SOM HR representative to gather and submit any required information. There may be certain cases where salary increases occur based on the applicable pay factors. Any recommended salary increases will be managed directly by Departments/Centers. If a supervisor would like to pursue a salary change, they must fill out the Salary Adjustment Request Form and return it to their HR representative.