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The Center for Genomics and Society (CGS) has a new name and expanded mission! It will now be known as the Center for the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of Biotechnology, or simply ELSI@UNC.

The ELSI framework can be applied to, and add value to, many different disciplines and applications of biotechnology beyond just human genomic uses like gene-editing, such as: microbiome and virome genomics, robotics, AI and machine learning, functional MRI, brain organoids, organ donation, CAR-T therapy, etc. In fact, this is already happening, and the Center is expanding its scope to reflect these advances.

With continued support from the SOM Office of Research, the Center plans to offer research support and assistance to the broader Health Affairs community, promoting its expertise in the ELSI framework for application in genomics and other emerging technologies.

The Center’s mission is to promote transdisciplinary, policy-relevant research and to provide training to those at UNC to examine the ethical, legal and social implications of biotechnology advances and their translation into clinical and public health interventions. ELSI@UNC is a consultation resource for current projects, as well as for individuals interested in structuring grants to include an ELSI component. It is also continuing its role in mentoring future ELSI scholars by providing them with an intellectual and research community and access to faculty mentors.  To that end, Center events bring together faculty, staff, and students who share an interest in ELSI research.

Anyone who has an interest in ELSI issues is welcome to join the Center’s endeavors!