Karen Mohlke, PhD (Professor, Department of Genetics) was awarded a R01 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). This is the second successful competitive renewal of this grant titled “Genetic epidemiology of rare and regulatory variants for metabolic traits” which will continue to be funded for years 11 – 14.
Central obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and metabolic traits related to these diseases have a strong inherited basis. The proposed work will identify DNA variants that influence these traits and mechanisms by which the variants regulate gene expression in cells and alter trait levels. The results may lead to improved disease diagnosis and treatment.
This team science project includes UNC Chapel Hill Co-Investigator Dr. Michael Love (Associate Professor, Genetics and Biostatistics), Dr. Laura Scott from the University of Michigan and Dr. Markku Laakso from the University of Eastern Finland.