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Dr. Ichiro Misumi (Assistant Professor) inked a contract with Evrys Bio to utilize his mouse model of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection to study the potential of a drug compound being developed to prevent HAV infection.
Ichiro Misumi, PhD
Ichiro Misumi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Genetics
Dr. Marty Ferris (Associate Professor) is the recipient of a new subcontract from University of Massachusetts Chan School of Medicine for a P01 grant funded by NIAID.  The P01, titled “Systems Genetics of Tuberculosis”, will utilize the UNC Systems Genetics Core Facility and Dr. Ferris will lead the experimental design, supervise mouse breeding, and support the generation of genetic data for the program project.
Marty Ferris
Dr. Marty Ferris, Associate Professor, Genetics
Dr. Melissa Haendel (Distinguished Professor) received a subcontract from Johns Hopkins University for “Computational LOINC to Support Biomedical Research at Scale”.  Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) codes are logically composed from constituent parts to describe unique concepts with sufficient detail to discriminate specific labs and clinical findings.  The goal of the project is to leverage existing groups and organizations to solicit use cases and evaluate ontology development and priorities.    Dr. Haendel also received a supplement from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to fund the work of her Data Modeling team to develop data intake forms and use cases for analysis and visualization of the demonstration portal for the INCLUDE study.
Melissa Haendel
Dr. Melissa Haendel, Distinguished Professor, Genetics