Department of Genetics Publications for September 8-21, 2019
Department of Genetics faculty, postdocs, students and collaborators published eleven papers during Sept. 8-21, 2019.
Department of Genetics faculty, postdocs, students and collaborators published eleven papers during Sept. 8-21, 2019.
Department of Genetics faculty, postdocs, students and collaborators published eleven papers during June 2-15, 2019.
Department of Genetics faculty, postdocs, students and collaborators published six papers during May 19 – June 1, 2019.
Department of Genetics faculty, postdocs, students and collaborators published eleven papers during July 29 – Aug. 11, 2018.
Department of Genetics faculty and collaborators published twenty papers during the second half of May 2017. Prenatal exome sequencing in anomalous fetuses: new opportunities and challenges. Vora NL, Powell B, Brandt A, Strande N, Hardisty E, Gilmore K, Foreman AKM, Wilhelmsen K, Bizon C, Reilly J, Owen P, Powell CM, Skinner D, Rini C, Lyerly … Read more
Over the last few weeks, Department of Genetics faculty members, along with their colleagues, have published eight manuscripts on a wide variety of topics. Long-term exercise in mice has sex-dependent benefits on body composition and metabolism during aging. McMullan RC, Kelly SA, Hua K, Buckley BK, Faber JE, Pardo-Manuel de Villena F, Pomp D Physiol … Read more
During the last three weeks, Department of Genetics faculty members, along with their colleagues, have published 21 manuscripts on a wide variety of topics. A survey of current practices for genomic sequencing test interpretation and reporting processes in US laboratories. O’Daniel JM, McLaughlin HM, Amendola LM, Bale SJ, Berg JS, Bick D, Bowling KM, Chao … Read more